Link for all 2024 Summer Lecture Series Videos
Please also visit the 2024 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series website for PDFs of lecture slides and links to individual lectures.
The course was hosted by CONAE at the CETT, in conjunction with the IOCCG-28 Committee Meeting
Introduction & course overview, Carolina Tauro
Overview of the importance of satellite ocean color validation, Robert Frouin
Connection between in-situ data and satellite algorithm development, Robert Frouin
Lab methods and protocols for data collection, Aurea Maria Ciotti
Introduction to Metrology: the science of measurements, Frédéric Mélin
Metrology: The case of EO data, Frédéric Mélin
Determination of uncertainties of OC data, Frédéric Mélin
Comparisons and metrological compatibility, Frédéric Mélin
Understanding the role of in-situ data in developing satellite algorithms, Jeremy Werdell
Examination of Chl-a & CDOM, Aurea Marie Ciotti
Examination of PAR, Robert Frouin
Course administered by the Trevor Platt Science Foundation in conjunction with many partners, including IOCCG. An in-person component was held at the Plymouth Marine Lab, UK from 7 – 8 August.
Link for all online training videos
Visit the course website for details.
Link for all 2022 Summer Lecture Series Videos
Please also visit the 2022 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series website for PDFs of lecture slides and links to individual lectures.
Link for all 2018 Summer Lecture Series Videos
Please also visit 2018 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series website for PDFs of lecture slides and links to individual lectures.
Link for all 2016 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series Videos
Please also visit 2016 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series website for PDFs of lecture slides and links to individual lectures.
Link for all 2014 Summer Lecture Series videos
Lectures by Dr. ZhongPing Lee
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Lecture 1: Inherent optical properties – Basics (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Inversion of inherent optical properties – Inversion (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Inversion of inherent optical properties – Applications (PDF) (Video)
Excel Spreadsheets: (IOP-model.xls), (alg_analytic.xls), (QAA_HOPE_hyper.xls)
Material presented by Dr. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Lecture 1: Improved Ocean Ecosystem Predictions via Improved Light Calculations (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric Correction for Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Spectrum-matching Techniques: Semianalytical Models (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 4: Spectrum-matching Techniques: Database Methods (PDF)
Lecture 5: Overview of HydroLight-EcoLight (PPTX) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Marlon Lewis
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lecture 1: Measurement of in-situ optical properties (1) (PDF: slides 1-92) (Video)
Lecture 2: Measurement of in-situ optical properties (2) (PDF: slides 93-117) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Roland Doerffer
Helmholtz Center Geesthacht /Brockman Consultants, Germany
Lecture 1: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Causes of Uncertainties (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Algorithms, Validation (PDF) (Video)
Practical Session: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Computation (PDF)
Material presented by Dr. Menghua Wang
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs,USA
Lecture 1: Atmospheric Correction of Ocean Color RS Observations (Sections 1-4) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric Correction: Case 1 Waters (Section 5) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric Correction: Coastal and Inland Waters (Section 5) (PDF)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric Correction: Strongly-Absorbing Aerosols (Section 6) (PDF)
Lecture 3: Requirements for Future Ocean Color Satellite Sensors (Sections 7-9) (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Kevin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters: CHL and TSM retrieval (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters: Computer exercise #1 (PDF)
Lecture 3: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters: Applications, Conclusions, The Future (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Stephanie Henson
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Lecture 1: Using OC to investigate variability and climate change effects in phytoplankton (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Using OC to investigate variability and climate change effects in phytoplankton (2) (PDF) (Video)
Practical: Using the Giovanni tool to investigate variability in phytoplankton (PDF)
Material presented by Dr. Collin Roesler
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
Lecture 1: Bio-optical modeling of IOPs (PFT approaches) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Bio-optical modeling of single and multichannel fluorescence (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Emmanuel Boss
University of Maine, ME, USA
Lecture 1: Optics and biogeochemistry (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Dariusz Stramski
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, USA
Lecture 1: Optics of Marine Particles (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Optics of Marine Particles (2) (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Dave Siegel
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Lecture 1: Dynamics of open ocean CDOM (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Trends in ocean colour observations: Part 2: Confronting Bio-Optical Complexity (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Assessment of Ocean Carbon Export From Satellite Data (PDF) (Video)
Link for all 2012 Summer Lecture Series Videos
Material presented by Dr. Mark Dowell
European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
Lecture 1: Ocean colour algorithms (1) (PDF: slides 1-53) (Video)
Lecture 2: Oceam colour algorithms (2) (PDF: slides 54-126) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. ZhongPing Lee
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Lecture 1: Inherent optical properties of ocean waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Inversion of inherent optical properties – inversion (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Inversion of inherent optical properties – applications (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Lecture 1: Hyperspectral remote sensing of optically shallow waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospherpic correction issues unique to shallow waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Techniques used for inverting atmospherically corrected rrs spectra (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 4: Improved ocean ecosystem predictions through improved light calculations (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 5: Ecosystem predictions using accurate radiative transfer models (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Giuseppe Zibordi
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy
Lecture 1: Above and in water radiometry: methods and calibrations requirements (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Uncertainty analysis and application of in situ radiometric products (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Marlon Lewis
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lecture 1: In situ measurments (1) (PDF: slides 1-39) (Video)
Lecture 2: In situ measurments (2) (PDF: slides 40-133) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Roland Doerffer
Helmholtz Center Geesthacht /Brockman Consultants, Germany
Lecture 1: Errors and uncertainties in ocean colour remote sensing (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Errors and uncertainties in ocean colour remote sensing (2) (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Menghua Wang
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs,USA
Lecture 1: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (2) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (3) (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Curt Davis
NCollege of Oceanic Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Lecture 1: High-resolution hyperspectral oc rs in coastal areas (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: High-resolution hyperspectral oc rs in coastal areas (2) (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Jorge Sarmieneto
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Lecture 1: Use and importance of oc remote sensing in global coupled bgc models (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Using the oc time series to address climate change (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Kevin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters (2) (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Richard Stumpf
NOAA National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, USA
Lecture 1: Harmful algal blooms: the contrast with other algal blooms (1) (PDF 1) (PDF 2) (Video)
Lecture 2: Harmful algal blooms: the contrast with other algal blooms (2) (PDF 3) (PDF 4) (PDF 5) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Marcel Babin
Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in high latitude environments (1) (PDF: slides 1-99) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in high latitude environments (2) (PDF: slides 100-186) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Yannick Huot
University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Lecture 1: Phytoplankton fluorescence: theory and interpretation from oc remote sensing (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Phytoplankton fluorescence: theory and interpretation from oc remote sensing (PDF) (Video)
Material presented by Dr. Andreas Neumann
German Aerospace Centre DLR, Germany
Lecture 1 – Calibration of Ocean-Colour Sensors (871 KB)
Lecture 2 – Information Content of Ocean Colour Data (206 KB)
Lecture 3 – Principal Component Conversion (474 KB)
Lecture 4 – Validation of Ocean Colour Sensors (185 KB)
Material presented by Dr. Louisa Watts
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada
Lecture 1 – Primary Production and Related Processes (138 KB)
Lectures 2 &; 3 – Modelling Primary Production on a Local and Global Scale (272 KB)
Software Demonstration – Primary Production Software Demonstration (17 KB)
Material presented by Dr. Mervyn Lynch
Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Lecture – Satellite Orbits / Basic Radiometric Quantities and Definitions (60 KB)
Material presented by Dr. Oleg Kopelevich
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanography, Russia
Lecture 1 – Radiative Transfer in Oceans (944 KB)
Lecture 2 – Oceanic Optical Properties and Models (1,499 KB)
Lecture 3 – Bio-optical Algorithms (2,149 KB)
Material presented by Dr. Peter Fearns
Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Lecture 1 (84 KB), Lecture 2 (113 KB), Lecture 3 (60 KB) – On SeaWiFS Processing using SeaDAS
Material presented by Dr. Aysen Yilmaz
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Lecture 1 – Primary production, availability/uptake of nutrients and photo-adaptation of phytoplankton in three interconnected regional seas: Black Sea, Sea of Marmara and Eastern Mediterranean (332 KB).
Lecture 2 – Notes on Nutrients (49 KB)
Material presented by Dr. Lesley Clementson
CSIRO Marine Research, Australia
Lecture – Optical measurements, phytoplankton pigments, absorption characteristics, cal/val of ocean colour sensors (447 KB)