A major focus of the IOCCG has been the formation of specialized working groups investigating various aspects of ocean-colour science, technology and its applications. The end product of these working groups is usually the publication of an IOCCG Report. In one case, a recommendation was implemented by the working group on Standardizing the Extraterrestrial Solar Flux Spectrum, chaired by Prof. Andre Morel.

Proposing a New Working Group

If you would like to propose a new IOCCG working group, please consult the Guidelines for Proposing a New IOCCG Working Group.

See the list of current (right) and past (below) IOCCG working groups.

Current IOCCG Scientific Working Groups

Reports from each of these groups will be published by the IOCCG after a 90-day peer-review period. Reports will be available electronically, with a very limited supply in hard copy (mostly for libraries and institutions). The progress of each Working Group is reviewed annually at the IOCCG Committee meeting.

Resources for Current Working Groups

Completed IOCCG Working Groups

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