August 2019

This bulletin includes IOCCG recent publications, ESA training course, news from NOAA, WASI version 5, ocean colour meetings, and new publications.

May 2019

This bulletin includes IOCCG news (IOCS-2019 meeting, IOCCG-24 Committee meeting, Beam-c Protocols, new training course in China), news from NASA and NOAA, Alliance for Coastal Technologies [...]

February 2019

This news bulletin includes Registration for 2019 IOCS-2019 meeting, IOCCG Protocols Series (final "Absorption Protocols"), news from EUMETSAT, ESA and NOAA, Ocean Optics 2022 location call, and [...]

November 2018

This news bulletin includes: Registration opens for 2019 International Ocean Colour Science (IOCS) meeting, new IOCCG Report on Water Quality, AOP Protocols available for review, NASA/IOCCG [...]

August 2018

This bulletin includes information about the 2018 Summer Lecture Series (lecture presentations and videos available), the 2019 International Ocean Colour Science (IOCS) meeting, news from ESA, [...]

May 2018

This bulletin includes information from the annual IOCCG Committee meeting, the 2018 Summer Lecture Series, the 2019 International Ocean Colour Science (IOCS) meeting, launch of Sentinel-3B OLCI [...]

February 2018

This bulletin includes application for the 2018 Summer Lecture Series, updates on Sentinel-3 OLCI and training opportunities, reprocessing for SNPP/VIIRS and MODIS-Aqua, webinar on NASA’s [...]

November 2017

This bulletin includes Optics & Biogeochemistry Protocols (Absorption Coefficient), JAXA GCOM-C launch date, news from ESA (Research and User Support for Sentinel core products, workshop on [...]

August 2017

This bulletin includes the Proceedings and Recommendations from the IOCS-2017 meeting, news of the JAXA G-COM-C mission, EUMETSAT Ocean MOOC, OLCI L2 data products, NASA EXPORTS field campaign, [...]

May 2017

This bulletin includes information on IOCS-2017 meeting, New IOCCG Committee Members, New IOCCG Working Group, NASA Pace Mission, News from ESA, Copernicus Training Workshop, News from NOAA, In [...]