November 2021 News

IOCCG POM protocols published, draft primary productivity protocols, news from NASA, NOAA and GEO AquaWatch, Korea National Ocean Satellite Center (NOSC), Trevor Platt Science Foundation, Journal [...]

August 2021 News

IOCCG 25 year anniversary, NASA Community Processor, NASA’s upcoming geostationary mission (GLIMR), SeaHawk Cubesat in operation, Chinese HiSea-2 SmallSat launched, ISRO to Launch GISAT-1, [...]

May 2021 News

IOCCG Report on HABs published, new IOCCG Scientific Officer, special issue on Aquatic Carbon Stocks and Fluxes, remembering Roland Doerffer, news from NASA, NOAA and EUMETSAT, special issue on [...]

February 2021 News

New IOCCG Report on HABs, geostationary OC data from GOCI-II, OC instrument for NOAA’s geostationary GeoXO mission, OC VIIRS Chl anomaly product, EUMETSAT training workshop, new CO2COAST [...]

November 2020

New IOCCG Task Force on Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris, news from NOAA, NASA, ESA, EUMETSAT, ocean colour journals, upcoming meetings, funding and employment opportunities.

August 2020

New IOCCG Benthic Reflectance working group, Trevor Platt Memorial Scholarship, news from ESA, EUMETSAT, NASA and NOAA, journal special issue on DOC, access to PRISMA products, webinars and other [...]

May 2020

IOCCG SLS and Committee meeting cancelled, IOCCG radiometry protocols available, In Memoriam Trevor Platt, news from NOAA and EUMETSAT, Landsat reflectance product, C-OPS package update, new [...]

February 2020

Applications open for 2020 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series, new IOCCG Reports and Protocols available, tutorial for OSOAA radiative transfer model, news from NOAA, EUMETSAT/ESA and ISRO, upcoming [...]

November 2019

This bulletin includes an announcement of the 2020 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series, new CDOM protocols, news from JAXA, NASA and NOAA, and new peer-reviewed publications.

August 2019

This bulletin includes IOCCG recent publications, ESA training course, news from NOAA, WASI version 5, ocean colour meetings, and new publications.