A major focus of the IOCCG is to broaden the user community for ocean-colour data, particularly in developing countries, through the coordination and sponsoring of training courses and capacity-building activities. The IOCCG Project Office regularly announces new training opportunities from IOCCG and other agencies by email. Subscribe to the IOCCG mailing list to get these announcements.

IOCCG Training Initiatives

The IOCCG has sponsored and coordinated a number of specialized ocean-colour training courses. These have provided comprehensive training to a large number of students from around 60 different countries. Courses are generally aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, university lecturers and researchers. See current opportunities below.

IOCCG Platt Scholarship

Applications open from 12 August – 12 November every year.

IOCCG Summer Lecture Series

Occurs every other year (during even years: 2022, 2024, 2026 etc). Applications typically open in January of the year in which it is hosted.

Other In-person Training Opportunities

Various agencies and institutions also conduct in-person. See the following link for open opportunities, and resources resulting from previous trainings.

Online Training Resources

Many training resources exist online for both introductory and advances ocean colour science that can be conducted at your own pace.

If you have material that you would like added to these resources, please contact the Project Scientist, Dr. Raisha Lovindeer.

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