In addition to online tutorials and books, please check for in-person training opportunities here:





  • Resources for Teachers Material on oceans, ocean-colour and remote sensing of ocean colour (SeaWiFS website)


  • The Oceanic Optics BookCurtis D. Mobley (2022)
    A community resource on ocean optics, with 16 chapters covering the foundations of optical oceanography and ocean color remote sensing, including radiometry, inherent and apparent optical properties, absorption, elastic and inelastic scattering, atmospheric correction, radiative transfer theory, Maxwell’s equations, and Mie theory, and 7 appendices covering advanced topics on modeling sea surfaces using Fourier transform techniques, wave variance spectra and autocovariance functions; Monte Carlo simulation; and prediction of image appearance through absorbing and scattering media. Theoretical concepts are illustrated with measured data, and via numerical simulations.
  • Physical Principles of Ocean Color Remote SensingHoward R. Gordon (2019)
    This book provides the physics underlying the methods of ocean color remote sensing. It is intended to be a resource for students and researchers wanting to understand on a basic level the remote sensing signal and its relationship with the constituents in the water, as well as the technical aspects of acquiring, calibrating, and validating ocean color imagery. Topics covered include radiometry and radiative transfer, scattering theory, inherent and apparent optical properties of the atmosphere and natural waters, and ocean color remote sensing systems, along with their vicarious calibration and validation.
  • Ocean Optics Web Book: Initial content by Curtis Mobley, Emmanuel Boss and Collin Roesler.
    A freely-accessible, web-based, dynamically growing, community resource, that addresses both the education and reference needs of the broad optical oceanography and ocean colour remote sensing communities.
  • Handbook of Satellite Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Applications for Marine Living Resources Conservation and Management EU PRESPO and IOCCG (2011)


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