Singh, R.K. and Shanmugam, P. (2014). A novel method for estimation of aerosol radiance and its extrapolation in the atmospheric correction of satellite data over optically complex oceanic [...]
Singh, R.P., Prasad, A.K., Kayetha, V.K. and Kafatos, M. (2008). Enhancement of oceanic parameters associated with dust storms using satellite data. J. Geophysical Res.113, C11008, [...]
Singh, R.P. Dey, S., Sahoo, A.K. and Kafatos, M. (2004). Retrieval of water vapor using SSM/I and its relation with the onset of monsoon. Annales Geophysica 22: 3079-3083.
Singh, R.P., S. Dey, S. Bhoi, D. Sun, G. Cervone and M. Kafatos, (2006). Anomalous increase of chlorophyll concentrations associated with earthquakes, Advances in Space Res., 37, 671-680.
Singh, R.P., G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, A.K. Prasad, A.K. Sahoo, D. Sun, D.L. Tang and R. Yang (2007). Multi-sensor Studies of the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami of 26 December 2004, International [...]
Singh, R.P., G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, A.K. Prasad, A. K. Sahoo, D. Sun, D.L. Tang, R. Yang (2007). Multi-sensor studies of the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004, International [...]
Singh, R.P., Bhoi, S., Sahoo, A.K. (2002). Changes Observed on Land and Ocean after Gujarat Earthquake of January 26, 2001 using IRS Data. Int. J. Rem. Sens., 23(16): 3123-3128.
Singh, R.P., Bhoi, S., Dey, S., Harijan, N., Sahoo, A.K. and Kanwar, R. (2002). Anomalous Changes in Ocean Parameters After Gujarat Earthquake of January 26, 2001. Proceedings Symposium [...]