SATELLITE: | Terra (USA) |
Launch Date: | 18/12/99 |
SWATH (km): | 2330 |
RESOLUTION (m): | 1000 |
# OF BANDS: | 36 |
SPECTRAL COVERAGE(nm): | 405-14385 |
Data Sources:
- Information about MODIS Data
- NASA’s multi-mission browse/order/distribution web browser – includes MODIS-Terra Visual Browse Tool
MODIS Links:
MODIS Presentations:
Current Status of MODIS (Terra and Aqua). Chuck Trees, 8th IOCCG Meeting, February 2003. [PPT file]
- MODIS Ocean Reprocessing “041” Planned to Begin in July (IOCCG News, June 2003)
- MODIS Ocean Processing Status (IOCCG News, March 2003)
- MODIS Terra/Aqua Image (IOCCG News, December 2002)
- MODIS Terra Processing Status (IOCCG News, October 2002)
- MODIS Aqua Data Release(IOCCG News, October 2002)
- MODIS Aqua Launced (IOCCG News, June 2002)
- MODIS Aqua Ready for Launch (IOCCG News, April 2002)
- MODIS Aqua Launch Soon (IOCCG News, February 2002)
- MODIS Ocean Data Product (IOCCG News, December 2001)
- Channel Sub-Setter for MODIS Products (IOCCG News, October 2001)
- MODIS Dat Support (IOCCG News, June 2001)
- Aqua Launch Update (IOCCG News, June 2001)
- New MODIS FAQ site (IOCCG News, February 2001)
- MODIS data products are considered beta quality… (IOCCG News, February 2001)
- Level 2 MODIS Products Released (IOCCG News, November 2000)
- The MODIS Data Support Team (MDST) is making major system hardware and software updates in preparation for the public release of the MODIS…(IOCCG News, August 2000)
- Testing on the Aqua instrument is complete and is installed on the spacecraft… (IOCCG News, August 2000)
- The Terra website has been updated… (IOCCG News, April 2000)
- Aqua website launched (IOCCG News, April 2000)
- Where is Terra? (IOCCG News, April 2000)
- MODIS images now available… (IOCCG News, March 2000)