The International Training Course on Ocean Colour: Techniques and Applications was conducted at the Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad, India from February 12-23, 2001. The course was a success for the 19 students and several lecturers who attended in spite of the earthquake that struck the region earlier.
The course was organised by the Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, the IOCCG and the Partnership for Observation of Global Ocean (POGO). Select the following link to view a detailed report on the course.
From NASA's Earth Observatory This chlorophyll-a image derived from a March 25, 2001 SeaWiFS image shows a phytoplankton bloom off the coast of Norway. Scientists in the region also found a second harmful algal bloom on March 19, 2001.
Scientists discovered an ocean eddy (named "Loretta") off the coast of Hawaii in May 1999 and tracked Loretta for its 8 month lifespan using satellite data. The whirlpool-like effect of an ocean eddy results in nutrients being transported to the ocean surface, creating favourable conditions for phytoplankton growth and subsequently other marine life. These two images show GOES temperature and SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a composites in early September 1999. Click here to read more about Loretta.
New IOCCG Home Page
New References The IOCCG page for recent references in Ocean-Colour has been updated to include only references from 2000/2001. Among the new references added was an article by Behrenfeld et al. (2001) which appeared in Science entitled "Biospheric Primary Production During an ENSO Transition". The authors used global monthly SeaWiFS measurements of both oceanic chlorophyll concentration and the Normalized Difference Land Vegetation Index (NDVI) to compare net primary production (NPP) responses (both ocean and land) to a major El Niņo to La Nina transition. For the 3-year SeaWiFS record, they found that increases in ocean NPP were pronounced in tropical regions where El Niņo-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) impacts on upwelling and nutrient availability were greatest. On a global scale, land NPP did not exhibit a clear ENSO response, although regional changes were substantial. If you would like to see your references added to IOCCG bibliography send them to the
IOCCG Annual Meeting The IOCCG held its annual meeting in La Jolla, California, USA in late January this year. The minutes from the meeting have been posted on the IOCCG web site.
Employment Several new job opportunities have been added.
India's OCM Sensor: Interesting Applications
SeaWiFS Image This SeaWiFS image shows a highly reflective bloom in the Golfo de California, Mexico. The image was acquired on April 18, 2001.
New MODIS FAQ site What does GES DAAC MODIS FAQ stand for? Not sure? Well now the Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center (GES DAAC) has a new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page where you can find information on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The site also has new search capabilities.
Workshops & Conferences
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