AGENCY: | ESA (Europe) |
SATELLITE: | Envisat-1 (Europe) |
Launch Date: | 01/03/02 |
SWATH (km): | 1150 |
RESOLUTION (m): | 300/1200 |
# OF BANDS: | 15 |
SPECTRAL COVERAGE(nm): | 412-1050 |
How to obtain MERIS data
- MERIS Data Product Overview
- MERIS Level 1 Full Resolution Full Swath data (MER_FRS_1P) via FTP
- MERIS Data through the MERIS MERCI system
- Notes: 10 years of Envisat MERIS Level 1 Full Resolution data (FRS – 300m) covering the entire archive from May 2002 to April 2012 have been systematically processed, and the full FRS L1 dataset can be accessed from a new MERCI server. The calibration has been harmonised across the full mission and is consistent with the 3rd MERIS Reduced Resolution (RR) reprocessing. Processing of the MERIS Level 2 FRS archive (with 3rd reprocessing configuration) is foreseen to take place in 2014. The MERIS FR/FRS Level 1 on-request production service will be gradually phased out after the release of the FRS L1 mission dataset online. Please contact EOHelp for any further information.
- MERIS Reprocessing documentation
As part of the NASA-ESA data sharing collaboration, NASA has ingested and processed the complete mission long MERIS FRS-300 m dataset. This data set, along with the corresponding Level-2 products that have been produced using the standard NASA processing methodologies, is available at:
- NASA’s multi-mission browse/order/distribution web browser – includes MERIS reduced resolution (RR) data set.
MERIS Links:
- MERIS Instrument Calibration, Steven Delwart,IOCCG Level 1 Workshop, Washington, 20-21 April 2010
- Envisat and MERIS Status, Henri Laur, MERIS US Workshop, 14 July, 2008, Washington (USA)
- Envisat MERIS Image Rapid Visualisation
- Envisat MERIS first check-up of the Earth – The story in pictures
- MERIS Homepage
- Envisat Homepage
- MERIS – A New Generation of Ocean-Colour Sensor onboard Envisat, J.-L. Bézy, S. Delwart & M. Rast (Aug 2000).