If you would like to include your workshop on this page, please contact the IOCCG Project Coordinator, Dr. Raisha Lovindeer (raisha@ioccg.org).
- October 6–11: Ocean Optics XXVI in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
- October 16–18: SCOR Annual Meeting, Qingdao, China
- October 22–24: 38th CEOS Plenary, Montréal, Canada
- December 3–4: 5th Workshop on HPLC Phytoplankton Pigments Intercomparisons (HIP), Ispra, Italy & Online
- December 8: PACE Applications Workshop, Washington, DC, USA
- December 9–13: AGU24, Washington, DC, USA
- Feb 10–14: BIOSPACE25 (Biodiversity Insight from Space), Frascati, Italy
- March 10–14: US 16th National Monitoring Conference, Wisconsin, USA
- April 14–17: IOCCG-29 Committee Meeting, Online
- April 27–May 2: EGU25, Vienna, Austria & Online
- November 10–14: Southern Ocean Bio-optics Workshop: Reconciling bio-optics, photophysiology and floristics in the PACE era, Hobart Australia
- Dec 1–5: 6th International Ocean Colour Science Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany
- February 22–27: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2026, Glasgow, Scotland
A more complete listing of meetings can be obtained from the following organizations: