The IOCCG bibliography is updated periodically when new references are submitted by readers, especially references that are published open access. Another useful ocean colour bibliography is the searchable Historic Ocean Colour Archive assembled by Marcel Wernand, with articles and books written between the 17th and early 20th century.
If you would like to submit a peer-reviewed open access publication to be included in the Ocean Colour Bibliography, please send the reference to Raisha Lovindeer using the following format: Lastname1, Initials1., Lastname2, Initials2., etc. (DATE). Full title of publication, Journal Abbreviation, Volume, Page numbers, DOI as a link. Please also check that the reference is not already in the database (search by first author). It is not necessary to send the PDF file as an attachment. Note that only peer-reviewed articles will be accepted.
If you would like to view recently-published papers, enter the current year in “Search by Keyword”. You can also search the database using keywords or the author’s last name. For papers dealing with Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris, use the keyword “RSMLD”. You can also view the Datasets Bibliography for remote sensing and marine litter and debris.
Banse, K. and McClain, C.R. (1986). Winter blooms of phytoplankton in the Arabian Sea as observed by the Coastal Zone Color Scanner. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 34: 201-211.
Banse, K. and Yong, M. (1990). Sources of variability in satellite-derived estimates of phytoplankton production in the eastern tropical Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 95: 7201-7215.
Banse, K., and English, D.C. (2000). Geographical differences in seasonality of CZCS-derived phytoplankton pigment in the Arabian Sea for 1978-1986. Deep-Sea Res. II, 47: 1623-1677.
Banse, K., McClain, C.R., Esaias, W.E. and Müller-Karger, F. (1988). Satellite-observed winter blooms of phytoplankton in the Arabian Sea. In: Marine Science of the Arabian Sea. Proceedings of an International Conference. M. F. Thompson and N. M. Tirmizi (Eds.), American Institute of Biological Science, Washington, D.C., 293-307.
Banzon, V.F., Evans, R.E., Gordon, H.R. and Chomko, R.M. (2004). SeaWiFS observations of the Arabian Sea southwest monsoon bloom for the year 2000. Deep Sea Res. II, 51: 189-208.
Bao, Z., Sha, J., Li, X., Hanchiso, T., and Shifaw, E. (2018). Monitoring of beach litter by automatic interpretation of unmanned aerial vehicle images using the segmentation threshold method, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 137, 388-398.
Barak, P., Molina, J.A.E., Hadas, A. and Clapp, C.E. (1990). Optimization of an ecological model with the Marquardt algorithm. Ecol. Model, 51: 251-263.
Barale, V. and Fay, R.W. (1986). Variability of the ocean surface color field in central California near-coastal waters as observed in a seasonal analysis of CZCS imagery. J. Mar. Res., 44: 291-316.
Barale, V. and Schlittenhardt, P.M., eds. (1993). Ocean colour: theory and applications in a decade of CZCS experience, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 367 p.
Barbini, R., Colao, F., Fantoni, R., Palucci, A., and Ribezzo, S. (1999). Shipborne laser remote sensing of the Venice lagoon. Int. J. Rem. Sens., 20: 2405-2421.
Barbini, R., Colao, F., Fantoni, R., Palucci, A., Ribezzo, S. (2001). Differential lidar fluorosensor system used for phytoplankton bloom and seawater quality monitoring in Antarctica, Int. J. Rem. Sens., 22(2&3): 369-384.
Barlow, R., Sessions, H., Balarin, M., Weeks, S., Whittle, C., and Hutchings, L.(2005). Seasonal variation in phytoplankton in the southern Benguela: pigment indices and ocean colour. Afr. J. Mar. Sc. 27: 275-287.
Barlow, R.G., Aiken, J., Holligan, P.M., Cummings, D.G., Maritorena, S. and Hooker, S. (2002). Phytoplankton pigment and absorption characteristics along meridional transects in the Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., 49(4): 637-660.
Barlow, R.G., Aiken, J., Moore, G., Holligan P.M. and Lavender, S. (2004). Pigment adaptations in surface phytoplankton along the eastern boundary of the Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 281: 13-26.
Barlow, R.G., Aiken, J., Sessions, H.E., Lavender, S., and Mantel, J. (2001). Phytoplankton pigment, absorption and ocean colour characteristics in the southern Benguela ecosystem. S. Afr. J. Sci., 97: 230-238.
Barnard, A.H., Pegau, W.S. and Zaneveld, J.R.V. (1998). Global relationships of the inherent optical properties of the oceans. J. Geophys. Res., 103: 24,955-24,968.
Barnard, A.H., Zaneveld, J.R.V. and Pegau, W.S. (1999). In Situ Determination of the Remotely Sensed Reflectance and the Absorption Coefficient: Closure and Inversion. Appl. Optics, 38(24): 5108-5117.
Barnes, B.B., C. Hu, C. Kovach, R.N. Silverstein (2015). Sediment plumes induced by the Port of Miami dredging: Analysis and interpretation using Landsat and MODIS data. Remote Sens. Environ., 170:328-339. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.09.023 [Full article]
Barnes, R. A., Clark, D. K., Esaias, W. E., Fargion, G. S., Feldman, G. C., and McClain, C. R. (2003). Development of a consistent multi-sensor global ocean colour time series. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 24: 4047-4064.
Barnes, R.A., and Zalewski, E.F., (2002). The reflectance-based calibration of SeaWiFS. Proc. SPIE, 4881: 355-367.
Barnes, R.A., and Zalewski, F. (2003). Reflectance-based calibration of SeaWiFS: I. Calibration coefficients. Appl. Optics, 42(9): 1629-1647.
Barnes, R.A., and Zalewski, F. (2003). Reflectance-based calibration of SeaWiFS: II. Conversion to radiance. Appl. Optics., 42(9): 1648-1660.
Barnes, R.A., Eplee Jr., R.E., Biggar, S.F., Thome, K.J., Zalewski, E.F., Slater, P.N., and Holmes, A.W. (2000). SeaWiFS transfer-to-orbit experiment. Appl. Optics, 39: 5620-5631.
Barnes, R.A., Eplee Jr., R.E., Patt, F.S. and McClain, C.R. (1999). Changes in the Radiometric Sensitivity of SeaWiFS Determined from Lunar and Solar-Based Measurements. Appl. Optics, (38)21: 4649-4664.
Barnes, R.A., Eplee Jr., R.E., Robinson, W.D., Schmidt, G.M., Patt, F.S., Bailey, S.W., Wang, M., and McClain, C.R. (2000). The calibration of SeaWiFS. Proc. 2000 Conf. on Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing, Logan, Utah. September 19-21: 2000.
Barocio-León, O.; Millán Núñez R.; Santamaria-del-Angel, E.; Gonzalez-Silvera, A. and Trees, C. (2006). Spatial variability of phytoplankton absorption coefficients and pigments off Baja California during November 2002. Journal of Oceanography 62: 873-885.
Barocio-León, O.; Millán Núñez, R.; Santamaria-del-Angel, E.; Gonzalez-Silvera, A., Trees, C. and Orellana-Cepeda, E. (2008). Bio-optical characteristics of a phytoplankton bloom event in the California Current. Cont. Shelf Res. 28(4/5): 672-681. DOI 10.1016/j.csr.2007.12.002.
Bartlett, J.S. (1995). Analysis of factors contributing to ocean colour: application to remote sensing. MSc Thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax. pp. 126.
Bartolacci, D.M. and Luther, M.E. (1999). Patterns of co-variability between physical and biological parameters in the Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Res. (2 Top. Stud. Oceanogr.), 46: 1933-1964.
Basu, B, Sannigrahi, S, Sarkar Basu, A., and Pilla, F. (2021) Development of Novel Classification Algorithms for Detection of Floating Plastic Debris in Coastal Waterbodies Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 Remote Sensing Imagery. Remote Sens.(Basel), 13(8), 1598,
Bauer, P., Gaito, S., McGlade, J. M. and Winter, D. (1993). Estimation of net photosynthetically available radiation over oceans from satellite data: application to a dynamical model of a plankton bloom in the Atlantic Ocean. Photogramm. Eng. Rem. Sens., 59: 323-329.
Beaufort, L., Couapela, M., Bucheta, N. and H. Claustre (2008). Calcite production by Coccolithophores in the South Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences, 5: 1101-1117 [Full Text]
Beck, A. J., Kaandorp, M., Hamm, T., Bogner, B., Kossel, E., Lenz, M., Haeckel, M., and Achterberg, E. P. (2023) Rapid shipboard measurement of net-collected marine microplastic polymer types using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 415, 2989-2998,
Beck, R., S. Zhan, H. Liu, S. Tong, B. Yang, M. Xu, Z. Ye, Y. Huang, S. Shu, Q. Wu, S. Wang, K. Berling, A. Murray, E. Emery, M. Reif, J. Harwood, J. Young, C. Nietch, D. Macke, M. Martin, G. Stillings, R. Stump, H. Su (2016). Comparison of satellite reflectance algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a in a temperate reservoir using coincident hyperspectral aircraft imagery and dense coincident surface observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 178: 15-30, [Full article]
Behrenfeld M.J., T.K. Westberry, E.S. Boss, R.T. O’Malley, D.A. Siegel, J.D. Wiggert, B.A. Franz, C.R. McClain, G.C. Feldman, S.C. Doney, J.K. Moore, G. Dall’Olmo, A.J. Milligan, I. Lima, and N. Mahowald, (2009). Satellite-detected fluorescence reveals global physiology of ocean phytoplankton. Biogeosciences, 6: 779-794.
Behrenfeld, M. J. and E. Boss. (2003). The beam attenuation to chlorophyll ratio: an optical index of phytoplankton photoacclimation in the surface ocean? Deep Sea Research I, 50, 1537-1549.
Behrenfeld, M. J. and E. S. Boss (2017). Student’s tutorial on bloom hypotheses in the context of phytoplankton annual cycles. Global Change Biology,1–23 doi:10.1111/gcb.13858
Behrenfeld, M. J., Y. Hu, R. T. O’Malley, E. S. Boss, C. A. Hostetler, D. A. Siegel, J. L. Sarmiento, J. Schulien, J. W. Hair, X. Lu, S. Rodier and A. J. Scarino (2017). Annual boom–bust cycles of polar phytoplankton biomass revealed by space-based lidar. Nature Geoscience 10, 118–122 doi:10.1038/ngeo2861
Behrenfeld, M.J., and D.A. Siegel, (2007). Ocean productivity – Climate linkages imprinted in satellite observations. Global Change Newsletter, 68, Feb. 2007. [PDF]
Behrenfeld, M.J., Boss, E., Siegel, D.A. and Shea, D.M. (2005).Carbon-based ocean productivity and phytoplankton physiology from space. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19: GB1006, doi:10.1029/2004GB002299 [PDF file]
Behrenfeld, M.J., E. Marañón, D.A. Siegel and S.B. Hooker, (2002). Photoacclimation and nutrient-based model of light-saturated photosynthesis for quantifying oceanic primary production. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 228, 103-117. [PDF]
Behrenfeld, M.J., Prasil, O., Kolber, Z.S., Babin, M. and Falkowski, P.G. (1998). Compensatory changes in Photosystem II electron turnover rates protect photosynthesis from photoinhibition. Photosyn. Res., 58(b): 259-268.
Behrenfeld, M.J., R.T. O’Malley, D.A. Siegel, C.R. McClain, J.L. Sarmiento, G.C. Feldman, A.J. Milligan, P.G. Falkowski, R.M. Letelier and E. S. Boss, (2006). Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean productivity. Nature, 444, 752-755. [PDF][supplementary info]
Behrenfeld, M.J., Randerson,J.T., McClain, C.R., Feldman, G.C., Los, S.O., Tucker, C.J., Falkowski, P.G., Field, C.R. Frouin, C.B., Esaias, W.E., Kolber, D.D. and Pollack, N.H.. (2001). Biospheric Primary Production During an ENSO Transition. Science, 291: 2594-2597.
Bekova, R., and Prodanov, B. (2023) Assessment of beach macrolitter using unmanned aerial systems: A study along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 196, 115625,
Bélanger, S., M. Babin, and P. Larouche (2008). An empirical ocean color algorithm for estimating the contribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter to total light absorption in optically complex waters, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C04027, doi:10.1029/2007JC004436.
Belkin,IM., O’Reilly, JE (2009). An algorithm for oceanic front detection in chlorophyll and SST satellite imagery. J. Mar. Sci.
Beman, J., Matson, P. A., and Arrigo, K. R. (2004). Large phytoplankton blooms fuelled by agricultural runoff into especially vulnerable ocean waters, Eos Trans. AG, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl. (13-17 Dec., San Francisco).
Bernard S., F. A. Shillington, and T. A. Probyn (2007). The use of equivalent size distributions of natural phytoplankton assemblages for optical modelling, Optics Express, 15, 1995-2007.
Bernard S., T. A. Probyn, and A. Quirantes (2009). Simulating the optical properties of phytoplankton cells using a two-layered spherical geometry, Biogeosciences Discussion, 6, 1497-1563