The IOCCG bibliography is updated periodically when new references are submitted by readers, especially references that are published open access. Another useful ocean colour bibliography is the searchable Historic Ocean Colour Archive assembled by Marcel Wernand, with articles and books written between the 17th and early 20th century.
If you would like to submit a peer-reviewed open access publication to be included in the Ocean Colour Bibliography, please send the reference to Raisha Lovindeer using the following format: Lastname1, Initials1., Lastname2, Initials2., etc. (DATE). Full title of publication, Journal Abbreviation, Volume, Page numbers, DOI as a link. Please also check that the reference is not already in the database (search by first author). It is not necessary to send the PDF file as an attachment. Note that only peer-reviewed articles will be accepted.
If you would like to view recently-published papers, enter the current year in “Search by Keyword”. You can also search the database using keywords or the author’s last name. For papers dealing with Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris, use the keyword “RSMLD”. You can also view the Datasets Bibliography for remote sensing and marine litter and debris.
Abimbola, I.; McAfee, M.; Creedon, L.; Gharbia, S. (2024) In-situ detection of microplastics in the aquatic environment: A systematic literature review. Sci. Total Environ., vol. 934, pp 173111,
Acuña-Ruz, T., Uribe, D., Amézquita, L., Guzmán, C., Taylor R., Merrill, J., Martínez P., Voisin, Mattar, C. (2018). Anthropogenic marine debris over beaches: Spectral characterization for remote sensing applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 217: 309-322,
Aguilar, M. A., Jiménez-Lao, R., Ladisa, C., Aguilar, F. J., and Tarantino, E. (2022). Comparison of spectral indices extracted from Sentinel-2 images to map plastic covered greenhouses through an object-based approach, GIsci. Remote Sens., 59, 822-842,
Ahmed Dar, A., Chen, Z., Sardar, M. F. and An, C. (2024) Navigating the nexus: climate dynamics and microplastics pollution in coastal ecosystems. Environ. Res., 252, 118971,
Alboody, A., Vandenbroucke, N., Porebski, A., Sawan, R., Viudes, F., Doyen, P., and Amara, R. (2023) A new remote hyperspectral imaging system embedded on an unmanned aquatic drone for the detection and identification of floating plastic litter using machine learning. Remote Sens.(Basel), 15(14), 3455,
Almeida, S., Radeta, M., Kataoka, T., Canning-Clode, J., Pessanha Pais, M., Freitas, R. and Monteiro, J.G. (2023) Designing unmanned aerial survey monitoring program to assess floating litter contamination. Remote Sens., vol. 15(1), pp 84,
Andriolo, U., Topouzelis, K., van Emmerik, T. H. M., Papakonstantinou, A., Monteiro, J. G., Isobe, A., Hidaka, M., Kako, S. i., Kataoka, T., and Gonçalves, G. (2023) Drones for litter monitoring on coasts and rivers: suitable flight altitude and image resolution, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 195, 115521,
Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Hidaka, M., Gonçalves, D., Gonçalves, L. M., Bessa, F.,Kako, S. i. (2024) Marine litter weight estimation from UAV imagery: Three potential methodologies to advance macrolitter reports. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 202, 116405,
Andriolo, U., Garcia-Garin, O., Vighi, M., Borrell, A., and Gonçalves, G. (2022) . Beached and floating litter surveys by unmanned aerial vehicles: operational analogies and differences, Remote Sens. (Basel), 14, 1336(1331-1312),
Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Bessa, F., Sobral, P. (2020). Mapping marine litter on coastal dunes with unmanned aerial systems: A showcase on the Atlantic Coast. Science of the Total Environment, 736:
Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Rangel-Buitrago, N., Paterni, M., Bessa, F., Gonçalves, L., Sobral, P., Bini, M., Duarte, D., Fontan-Bouzas, A., Gonçalves, D., Kataoka, T., Luppichini, M., Pinto, L., Topouzelis, K., V ´ elez-Mendoza, A., Merlino, S., (2021). Drones for litter mapping: An inter-operator concordance test in marking beached items on aerial images. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169, 112542.
Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Sobral, P., and Bessa, F.(2021) Spatial and size distribution of macro-litter on coastal dunes from drone images: A case study on the Atlantic coast, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 169, 112490,
Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Sobral, P., Fontán-Bouzas, Á., Bessa, F. (2020). Beach-dune morphodynamics and marine macro-litter abundance: An integrated approach with Unmanned Aerial System. Science of the Total Environment, 749, 141474.
Anggraini, N., Tawakkal, I., Rachman, I., and Matsumoto, T. (2024) Object detection of macroplastic waste using unmanned aerial vehicles in urban canal. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 25(8), pp. 271-284,
Antara, I. M. O. G., Nuarsa, I. W., Sudarma, I. M., Hendrawan, I. G., Cordova, M. R., (2024) Developing beach litter monitoring system based on reflectance characteristics and its abundance. Ecol. Eng. Technol. 25, (5), 61-78,
Aoyama, T. (2016). Extraction of marine debris in the Sea of Japan using satellite images, Proc. SPIE 9878, Remote Sensing of the Oceans and Inland Waters: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges, 987817 (7 May 2016);
Arias, M., Sumerot, R., Delaney, J., Coulibaly, F., Cozar, A., Aliani, S., Suaria, G., Papadopoulou, T., and Corradi, P. (2021) Advances on remote sensing of windrows as proxies for marine litter based on Sentinel-2/MSI datasets, in 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Brussels, Belgium 2021, 1126-1129,
Arii, M., Koiwa, M., and Aoki, Y. (2014) Applicability of SAR to marine debris surveillance after the Great East Japan Earthquake. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens., 7(5), 1729-1744,
Asamoah, B.O., Uurasjärvi, E., Räty, J., Koistinen, A., Roussey, M., Peiponen, K.-E. (2021). Towards the development of portable and in situ optical devices for detection of micro-and nanoplastics in water: A review on the current status. Polymers, 13, 730.
Astorayme, M. A., Vázquez-Rowe, I., and Kahhat, R. (2024) The use of artificial intelligence algorithms to detect macroplastics in aquatic environments: A critical review. Sci. Total Environ., vol 945, pp 173843,
Atwood, E.C., Falcieri, F.M., Piehl, S., Bochow, M. Matthies, M., Franke, J., Carniel, S., Sclavo, M., Laforsch, C., Siegert, F. (2019). Coastal accumulation of microplastic particles emitted from the Po River, Northern Italy: Comparing remote sensing and hydrodynamic modelling with in situ sample collections. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138, 561-574.
Bak, S., Kim, H.-M., Kim, Y., Lee, I., Park, M., Kim, T.-Y. and Jang Seon, W. (2024) High-resolution mapping techniques for coastal debris using YOLOv8 and unmanned aerial vehicle. KJRS, vol 40 (2), pp 151-166,
Balsi, M., Moroni, M., Chiarabini, V., and Tanda, G.(2021). High-resolution aerial detection of marine plastic litter by hyperspectral sensing, Remote Sens. (Basel), 13, 1557,
Bancud, G. E., Labanon, A. J., Abreo, N. A. and Kobayashi, V. (2023). Combining image enhancement techniques and deep learning for shallow water benthic marine litter detection. International Workshops of ECML PKDD 2022, 137-149,
Bansal, K. and Tripathi, A. K. (2024) WasteNet: A novel multi-scale attention-based U-Net architecture for waste detection in UAV images. Remote Sens. Appl. Soc. Environ., vol. 35, p. 101220,
Bao, Z., Sha, J., Li, X., Hanchiso, T., and Shifaw, E. (2018). Monitoring of beach litter by automatic interpretation of unmanned aerial vehicle images using the segmentation threshold method, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 137, 388-398.
Basu, B, Sannigrahi, S, Sarkar Basu, A., and Pilla, F. (2021) Development of Novel Classification Algorithms for Detection of Floating Plastic Debris in Coastal Waterbodies Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 Remote Sensing Imagery. Remote Sens.(Basel), 13(8), 1598,
Beck, A. J., Kaandorp, M., Hamm, T., Bogner, B., Kossel, E., Lenz, M., Haeckel, M., and Achterberg, E. P. (2023) Rapid shipboard measurement of net-collected marine microplastic polymer types using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 415, 2989-2998,
Bekova, R., and Prodanov, B. (2023) Assessment of beach macrolitter using unmanned aerial systems: A study along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 196, 115625,
Biermann, L., Clewley, D., Martinez-Vicente, V., and Topouzelis, K. (2020). Finding plastic patches in coastal waters using optical satellite data, Sci. Rep., 10, 5364,
Blondeau-Patissier, D., Schroeder, T., Suresh, G., Li, Z., Diakogiannis, F. I., Irving, P., Witte, C., & Steven, A. D. (2023). Detection of marine oil-like features in Sentinel-1 SAR images by supplementary use of deep learning and empirical methods: Performance assessment for the Great Barrier Reef marine park. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 188, 114598.
Bojesomo, A., Liatsis, P., and Almarzouqi, H.(2023) Marine debris segmentation using a parameter efficient octonion-based architecture, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 20, 1-5,
Booth, H., Ma, W., and Karakuş, O. (2023) High-precision density mapping of marine debris and floating plastics via satellite imagery. Sci. Rep., 13(1), 6822,
Bouchelaghem, S., Tibermacine, I. E., Balsi, M., Moroni, M. and Napoli, C. (2024) In Cross-domain machine learning approaches using hyperspectral imaging for plastics litter detection, 2024 IEEE Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (M2GARSS), Oran, Algeria, 15-17 April, pp 36-40.
Cadondon, J., Vallar, E., Shiina, T. and Galvez, M. C. (2024) Experimental detection of marine plastic litter in surface waters by 405 nm LD-based fluorescence lidar. Mar. Pollut. Bull., v. 207, pp. 116842.
Campillo, A., Almeda, R., Vianello, A., Gómez, M., Martínez, I., Navarro, A., and Herrera, A. (2023) Searching for hotspots of neustonic microplastics in the Canary Islands, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 192, 115057,
Cerra, D., Auer, S., Baissero, A. and Bachofer, F. (2024) Estimation of floating plastic debris surface in inland waters using spectral unmixing with multispectral data. in IGARSS 2024 – 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Athens, Greece, pp 4393-4396,
Chaturvedi, S., Yadav, B.P., Siddique, N.A., and Chaturvedi, S.K. (2020). Mathematical modelling and analysis of plastic waste pollution and its impact on the ocean surface, JOES, 5, 136–163,
Chia, K. Y., Chin, C. S., and See, S. (2023), Deep transfer learning application for intelligent marine debris detection, in Proceedings EANN 2023: Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, 14–17 June, León, Spain, 1826, 479-490,
Chun, S., Gopal, J. and Muthu, M. (2024) Portable analytics as a contemporary environmental microplastic research tool: The Pitches and Hitches. TrEAC 2024, p. e00234,
Ciappa, A. C. (2021) Marine plastic litter detection offshore Hawai’i by Sentinel-2, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 168, 112457,
Ciappa, A. C. (2022). Marine litter detection by Sentinel-2: A case study in North Adriatic (Summer 2020), Remote Sens. (Basel), 14, 2409,
Cocking, J., Narayanaswamy, B. E., Waluda, C. M., and Williamson, B. J. (2022) Aerial detection of beached marine plastic using a novel, hyperspectral short-wave infrared (SWIR) camera. ICES J. Mar. Sci, 79(3), 648-660,
Colkesen, I., Kavzoglu, T., Sefercik, U. G. and Ozturk, M. Y. (2023). Automated mucilage extraction index (AMEI): a novel spectral water index for identifying marine mucilage formations from Sentinel-2 imagery. Int. J. Remote Sens., 44, (1), 105-141,
Corbari, L., Capodici, F., Ciraolo, G., and Topouzelis, K. (2023) Marine plastic detection using PRISMA hyperspectral satellite imagery in a controlled environment, Int. J. Remote Sens., 44, 6845-6859,
Corbari, L., Maltese, A., Capodici, F., Mangano, M. C., Sarà, G., & Ciraolo, G. (2020). Indoor spectroradiometric characterization of plastic litters commonly polluting the Mediterranean Sea: toward the application of multispectral imagery. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 19850.
Corbari, L., Minacapilli, M., Ciraolo, G. and Capodici, F. (2024) Indoor laboratory experiments for beach litter spectroradiometric analyses, Sci. Rep., vol. 14, pp 24769,
Cortesi, I., Masiero, A., De Giglio, M., Tucci, G., and Dubbini, M. (2021) Random forest-based river plastic detection with a handheld multispectral camera, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B1-2021, 9-14,
Cortesi, I., Masiero, A., Pfeifer, N. and Tucci, G. (2023) On the co-registration of asynchronous multi-spectral and thermal images. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. XLVIII-1/W1-2023, pp 101-106,
Cortesi, I., Masiero, A., Tucci, G., and Topouzelis, K. (2022) UAV-based river plastic detection with a multispectral camera, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2022, 855-861,