The IOCCG bibliography is updated periodically when new references are submitted by readers. Another useful ocean colour bibliography is the searchable Historic Ocean Colour Archive assembled by Marcel Wernand, with articles and books written between the 17th and early 20th century.
If you would like to submit a peer-reviewed publication to be included in the IOCCG Bibliography, please send the reference to Raisha Lovindeer using the following format: Lastname1, Initials1., Lastname2, Initials2., etc. (DATE). Full title of publication, Journal Abbreviation, Volume, Page numbers, DOI (if available). Please also check to see if the reference is not already in the database (search by first author). It is not necessary to send the PDF file as an attachment. Note that only peer-reviewed articles will be accepted.
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Cipollini, P., Barale, V., Davidov, A., and Melin, F. (1999). Updated MOS bio-optical algorithms in the Northwestern Black Sea. 3rd International Workshop on MOS-IRS and Ocean Colour, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin, 93-100.
Cipollini, P., Challenor, P.G., Cromwell, D., Quartly, G.D., and Raffaglio, S. (2000). Observation of Rossby waves in satellite derived chlorophyll-a data. PORSEC Proceedings II, 530-533.
Cipollini, P., Cromwell, D., Challenor, P.G., and Raffaglio, S. (2001). Rossby waves detected in global ocean color data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28: 323-326.
Cipollini, P., Cromwell, D., Quartly, G.D., and Challenor, P.G. (2000). Remote sensing of oceanic extra-tropical Rossby waves. In: Satellites, Oceanography and Society, D. Halpern (Ed.), Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 99-123.
Clark, D.K., Gordon, H.R., Voss, K.J., Ge, Y., Broenkow, W. and Trees, C. (1997). Validation of atmospheric correction over the oceans. J. Geophys. Res., 104: 17,209-17,217.
Clark, R.N. and Roush, T.L. (1984). Reflectance spectroscopy: quantitative analysis techniques for remote sensing applications. J. Geophys. Res., 89: 6329-6340.
Claustre H., Morel, A., Babin, M., Cailliau, C., Marie, D., Marty, J.C., Tailliez, D. and Vaulot, D., (1999). Variability in particle attenuation and chlorophyll fluorescence in the tropical Pacific : scales, patterns and biogeochemical implications. J. Geophys. Res.,104: 3401-3422.
Claustre, H. and S. Maritorena. (2003). The many shades of ocean blue. Science, 302, 1514-1515.
Claustre, H., Fell, F., Oubelkheir, K., Prieur, L., Sciandra, A., Gentili, B. and Babin, M. (2000). Continuous monitoring of surface optical properties across a geostrophic front : biogeochemical inferences. Limnol. Oceanogr., 45: 309-321.
Claustre, H., Hooker, S. B., Van Heukelem, L., Berthon, J.-F., Barlow, R., Ras, J., Sessions, H., Targa, C., Thomas, C. S., van der Linde, D., and Marty, J.-C. (2003). An intercompariosn of HPLC phytoplankton pigment methods using in situ samples: application to remote sensing and database activities. Mar. Chem. 85: 41-61.
Claustre, H., Morel, A., Hooker, S.B., Babin, M., Antoine, D., Oubelkheir, K., Bricaud, A., Leblanc, K., Quéguiner, B., and Maritorena, S. (2002). Is desert dust making oligotrophic waters greener? Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10): 107.1-107.4 [10.129/2001GL014056].
Claustre, H., Y. Huot, I. Obernosterer, B. Gentili, D. Tailliez, and M. Lewis (2008). Gross community production and metabolic balance in the South Pacific Gyre, using a non intrusive bio-optical method. Biogeosciences, 5: 463-474. [Full text].
Clavano, W.R., E. Boss, and L. Karp-Boss (2007). Inherent Optical Properties of Non-Spherical Marine-Like Particles – From Theory to Observations. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 2007, 45: 1-38. [PDF file].
Clementson, L.A., Parslow, J.S., Turnbull, A.R., McKenzie, D.C., and Rathbone, C.E. (2001). Optical properties of waters in the Australasian sector of the Southern Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 106(C12): p. 31,611.
Coca, J., Ohde, T., Redondo, A., Garcia-Weil, L., Santana-Casiano, M., González-Dávila, M., Arístegui, J., Nuez, E.F., Ramos, A.G., (2014). Remote Sensing of the El Hierro submarine volcanic eruption plume. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 35(17), 6573-6598, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2014.960613.
Cocking, J., Narayanaswamy, B. E., Waluda, C. M., and Williamson, B. J. (2022) Aerial detection of beached marine plastic using a novel, hyperspectral short-wave infrared (SWIR) camera. ICES J. Mar. Sci, 79(3), 648-660,
Çokacar, T., Kubilay, N., and Ouz, T. (2001). Structure of E. huxleyi blooms in the Black Sea surface waters as detected by SeaWiFS imagery. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28: 4607-4610.
Colkesen, I., Kavzoglu, T., Sefercik, U. G. and Ozturk, M. Y. (2023). Automated mucilage extraction index (AMEI): a novel spectral water index for identifying marine mucilage formations from Sentinel-2 imagery. Int. J. Remote Sens., 44, (1), 105-141,
Collins, D.J., Kiefer, D.A., SooHoo, J.B. and McDermid, I.S. (1985). The role of reabsorption in the spectral distribution of phytoplankton fluorescence emission. Deep-Sea Res. I. 32: 983-1003.
Collister, B., R. Zimmerman, V. Hill, C. Sukenik, and W. Balch, (2020). Polarized lidar and ocean particles: insights from a mesoscale coccolithophore bloom. Appl. Opt. 59 (15), 4650-4662.
Comiso, J.C., Maynard, N.G., Smith Jr., W.O. and Sullivan, C.W. (1990). Satellite ocean color studies of Antarctic ice edges in summer and autumn. J. Geophys. Res., 95: 9481-9496.
Comiso, J.C., McClain, C.R., Sullivan, C.W., Ryan, J.P. and Leonard, C.L. (1993). Coastal zone color scanner pigment concentrations in the Southern Ocean and relationships to geophysical surface features. J. Geophys. Res., 98: 2419-2451.
Concha, J.A., Bracaglia, M., Brando, V.E. (2021). Assessing the influence of different validation protocols on Ocean Colour match-up analyses. Remote Sensing of Environment, 259,
Corbari, L., Capodici, F., Ciraolo, G., and Topouzelis, K. (2023) Marine plastic detection using PRISMA hyperspectral satellite imagery in a controlled environment, Int. J. Remote Sens., 44, 6845-6859,
Corbari, L., Maltese, A., Capodici, F., Mangano, M. C., Sarà, G., & Ciraolo, G. (2020). Indoor spectroradiometric characterization of plastic litters commonly polluting the Mediterranean Sea: toward the application of multispectral imagery. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 19850.
Cornette, W. M. (1992). Robust algorithm for correcting the layer problem in LOWTRAN. Appl. Optics, 31: 5767-5769.
Corrsin, S. (1955). A measure of the area of a homogeneous random surface in space. Q. Appl. Math., 12: 404-408.
Cortesi, I., Masiero, A., De Giglio, M., Tucci, G., and Dubbini, M. (2021) Random forest-based river plastic detection with a handheld multispectral camera, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B1-2021, 9-14,
Cortesi, I., Masiero, A., Pfeifer, N. and Tucci, G. (2023) On the co-registration of asynchronous multi-spectral and thermal images. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. XLVIII-1/W1-2023, pp 101-106,
Cortesi, I., Masiero, A., Tucci, G., and Topouzelis, K. (2022) UAV-based river plastic detection with a multispectral camera, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B3-2022, 855-861,
Cortesi, I., Mugnai, F., Angelini, R., and Masiero, A. (2023) Mini UAV-based litter detection on river banks, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., X-4/W1-2022, 117-122,
Costa, A., Sans, E., Pereira-Sánchez, I., Duran, J. and Navarro, J. (2024) In Improving marine litter segmentation with limited resolution satellite imagery, 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing (MIGARS), 8-10 April 2024, 1-3.;
Cota, G.F., Harrison, W.G., Platt, T., Sathyendranath, S., Stuart, V. (2003). Bio-optical properties of the Labrador Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 108(C7): 3228 10.1029/2000JC000597, 15 July 2003 [HTML].
Cota, G.F., J. Wang, and J.C. Comiso (2004). Transformation of global satellite chlorophyll retrievals with a regionally tuned algorithm. Remote Sensing Environ. 90: 373-377.
Cózar, A., Aliani, S., Basurko, O.C., Arias, M., Isobe, A., Topouzelis, K., Rubio, A., and Morales-Caselles, C. (2021). Marine litter windrows: A strategic target to understand and manage the ocean plastic pollution, Front. Mar. Sci., 8, 571796,
Cracknell, A.P., Newcombe, S.K., Black, A.F., and Kirby, N.E. (2001). The ABDMAP (Algal Bloom Detection, Monitoring and Prediction) Concerted Action, Intl. J. Rem. Sens., 22(2&3): 205 – 247.
Craig, S. E., Lohrenz, S. E., Lee, Z. P., Mahoney,K. L., Kirkpatrick,G. J., Schofield, O. M. and Steward R. G.(2006). Use of hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance for detection and assessment of the harmful alga, Karenia brevis. Applied Optics, 45(21): 5414-5425
Craig, S.E; Lee, Z; Du, K. (2020). Top of Atmosphere, Hyperspectral Synthetic Dataset for PACE (Phytoplankton, Aerosol, and ocean Ecosystem) Ocean Color Algorithm Development. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, PANGAEA,
Craig, SE, Jones, CT, Li, WKW , Lazin, G, Horne, E, Caverhill, C , Cullen, JJ (2012). Deriving optical metrics of coastal phytoplankton biomass from ocean colour. Remote Sensing of Environment 119: 72-83
Cristina, S.C.V., Moore, G.F., Goela, P.R.F.C., Icely, J.D., Newton, A. (2014). In situ validation of MERIS marine reflectance off the southwest Iberian Peninsula: assessment of vicarious adjustment and corrections for near-land adjacency. Int. J. Rem. Sens. 35(6), 2347-2377 [Full article]
Cui, T., Cao, W., Zhang, J., Hao, Y., and Yu, Y. (2013). Diurnal Variability of Ocean Optical Properties during a Coastal Algal Bloom: Implications for Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. International Journal of Remote sensing, 34(23): 8301-8318.
Cui, T., Ding, J., Jia, F., Mu, B., Liu, R., Xu, P., Liu, J., and Zhang, J. (2018). Out-of-Band Response for the Coastal Zone Imager (CZI) Onboard China’s Ocean Color Satellite HY-1C: Effect on the Observation Just above the Sea Surface. Sensors, 18: 3067;
Cui, T., Li, F., Wei, Y., Yang, X., Xiao, Y., Chen, X., Liu, R., Ma, Y., and Zhang, J. (2020). Super-resolution optical mapping of floating macroalgae from geostationary orbit. Appl. Opt. 59(10): C70-C77.
Cui, T., Liang, X. J., Gong, J., Tong, C., Xiao, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, X., and Zhang, J. (2018). Assessing and refining the satellite-derived massive green macro-algal coverage in the Yellow Sea with high resolution images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 144: 315-324.
Cui, T., Qing, S., Tang, J., and Zhang, J. (2013). Spectral variability of sea surface skylight reflectance and its effect on ocean color. Optics Express, 21(21): 24929-24941.
Cui, T., Zhang, J., Groom, S., Sun, L., Smyth, T., and Sathyendranath. S. (2010). Validation of MERIS Ocean Color Products in the Bohai Sea. A case study for turbid coastal waters, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010, 114: 2326-2336.
Cui, T., Zhang, J., Sun, L., Jia, Y., and Wang, Z. (2012). Satellite monitoring of massive green macroalgae bloom (GMB): imaging ability comparison of multi-source data and drifting velocity estimation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(17): 5513-5527.
Cui, T., Zhang, J., Tang, J., Ma, Y., and Qing, S. (2010). Satellite retrieval of inherent optical properties in the turbid waters of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Chinese Optics Letters, 8(8): 721-725.
Cui, T., Zhang, J., Tang, J., Sathyendranath, S., Groom, S., Ma, Y., Zhao, Y., and Qing, S. (2014). Assessment of Satellite Ocean Color Products of MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS along East China coast (in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 87C: 137-151.
Cui, T., Zhang, J., Wang, K., Wei, J., Mu, B., Ma, Y., Zhu, J., Liu, R., and Chen, X. (2020). Remote sensing of chlorophyll a concentration in turbid coastal waters based on a global optical water classification system. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 163: 187-201.