The IOCCG bibliography is updated periodically when new references are submitted by readers. Another useful ocean colour bibliography is the searchable Historic Ocean Colour Archive assembled by Marcel Wernand, with articles and books written between the 17th and early 20th century.
If you would like to submit a peer-reviewed publication to be included in the IOCCG Bibliography, please send the reference to Raisha Lovindeer using the following format: Lastname1, Initials1., Lastname2, Initials2., etc. (DATE). Full title of publication, Journal Abbreviation, Volume, Page numbers, DOI (if available). Please also check to see if the reference is not already in the database (search by first author). It is not necessary to send the PDF file as an attachment. Note that only peer-reviewed articles will be accepted.
If you would like to view recently-published papers, enter the current year in “Search by Keyword”. You can also search the database using keywords or the author’s last name. For papers dealing with Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris, use the keyword “RSMLD”. You can also view the Datasets Bibliography for remote sensing and marine litter and debris.
Bi, S., Hieronymi, M., & Röttgers, R. (2023) Bio-geo-optical modelling of natural waters. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10
Biermann, L., Clewley, D., Martinez-Vicente, V., and Topouzelis, K. (2020). Finding plastic patches in coastal waters using optical satellite data, Sci. Rep., 10, 5364,
Bishop James K. B., Amaral Vinicius J., Lam Phoebe J., Wood Todd J., Lee Jong-Mi, Laubach Allison, Barnard Andrew, Derr Alex, Orrico Cristina (2022). Transmitted Cross-Polarized Light Detection of Particulate Inorganic Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes in the Ocean Water Column: Ships to ARGO Floats. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3, DOI=10.3389/frsen.2022.837938.
Bishop JKB, Amaral VJ, Lam PJ, Wood TJ, Lee J-M, Laubach A, Barnard A, Derr A and Orrico C (2022) . Transmitted Cross-Polarized Light Detection of Particulate Inorganic Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes in the Ocean Water Column: Ships to ARGO Floats. Front. Remote Sens. 3:837938. doi: 10.3389/frsen.2022.837938
Bisson, K. M., E. Boss, P. J. Werdell, A. Ibrahim, R. Frouin, and M. J. Behrenfeld (2021). Seasonal bias in global ocean color observations. Applied Optics, 60 (23), 6978-6988.
Blondeau-Patissier, D., Schroeder, T., Suresh, G., Li, Z., Diakogiannis, F. I., Irving, P., Witte, C., & Steven, A. D. (2023). Detection of marine oil-like features in Sentinel-1 SAR images by supplementary use of deep learning and empirical methods: Performance assessment for the Great Barrier Reef marine park. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 188, 114598.
Bojesomo, A., Liatsis, P., and Almarzouqi, H.(2023) Marine debris segmentation using a parameter efficient octonion-based architecture, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 20, 1-5,
Bonelli, A. G., Loisel, H., Jorge, D. S., Mangin, A., d’Andon, O. F., & Vantrepotte, V. (2022). A new method to estimate the dissolved organic carbon concentration from remote sensing in the global open ocean.
Booth, H., Ma, W., and Karakuş, O. (2023) High-precision density mapping of marine debris and floating plastics via satellite imagery. Sci. Rep., 13(1), 6822,
Boss, E., W.H. Slade, M. Behrenfeld, and G. Dall’Olmo (2009). Acceptance angle effects on the beam attenuation in the ocean. Optics Express, 17(3): 1535-1550.
Bouchelaghem, S., Tibermacine, I. E., Balsi, M., Moroni, M. and Napoli, C. (2024) In Cross-domain machine learning approaches using hyperspectral imaging for plastics litter detection, 2024 IEEE Mediterranean and Middle-East Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (M2GARSS), Oran, Algeria, 15-17 April, pp 36-40.
Bracher et al. (2017). Obtaining Phytoplankton Diversity from Ocean Color: A Scientific Roadmap for Future Development. Frontiers in Marine Science, 03 March 2017, [Full article].
Bracher, A., Xi, H., Dinter, T., Mangin, A., Strass, V. H., von Appen, W-J and Wiegmann, S. (2020). High resolution water column phytoplankton composition across the Atlantic Ocean from ship-towed vertical undulating radiometry. Front. Mar. Sci., doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00235
Brewin, R. J., Pitarch, J., Dall’Olmo, G., van der Woerd, H. J., Lin, J., Sun, X., & Tilstone, G. H. (2023). Evaluating historic and modern optical techniques for monitoring phytoplankton biomass in the Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.
Browning, T. J., Saito, M. A., Garaba, S. P., Wang, X., Achterberg, E. P., Moore, C. M., Engel, A., McLlvin, M. R., Moran, D., Voss, D., Zielinski, O. and Tagliabue, A. (2023) Persistent equatorial Pacific iron limitation under ENSO forcing. Nature,
Bui, Q. T., Jamet, C., Vantrepotte, V., Mériaux, X., Cauvin, A., & Mograne, M. A. (2022). Evaluation of Sentinel-2/MSI Atmospheric Correction Algorithms over Two Contrasted French Coastal Waters. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1099.
Bulgarelli B., Kiselev V., and Zibordi G. (2017). Adjacency effects in satellite radiometric products from coastal waters: a theoretical analysis for the northern Adriatic Sea. Applied Optics, 56 (4), 854–16, DOI: 10.1364/AO.56.000854 [PDF file linked to << >> ].
Bulgarelli, B. and G. Zibordi (2018). On the detectability of adjacency effects in ocean color remote sensing of mid-latitude coastal environments by SeaWiFS, MODIS-A, MERIS, OLCI, OLI and MSI,” Remote Sensing of Environment, 209: 423–438.
Bulgarelli, B. and G. Zibordi (2018). Seasonal Impact of Adjacency Effects on Ocean Color Radiometry at the AAOT Validation Site, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 488–492
Bulgarelli, B. , V. Kiselev, and G. Zibordi (2014). Simulation and analysis of adjacency effects in coastal waters: a case study, vol. 53, no. 8, p. 1523.
Bulgarelli, F. Mélin, and G. Zibordi (2018). On the minimization of adjacency effects in SeaWiFS primary data products from coastal areas, Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 18, pp. A709–A728.
Bulpitt, T.H., Coulter, M.W. and Hamner, K.C. (1965). A spectroradiometer for the spectral region of biological photosensitivity. Appl. Optics, 4: 793-797.
Burenkov, V.I., Ershova, S.V., Kopelevich, O.V., Sheberstov, S.V. and Shevchenko, V.P. (2001). An estimate of the distribution of suspended matter in the Barents Sea waters on the basis of the SeaWiFS satellite ocean color scanner. Oceanology, 41: 622-628.
Burenkov, V.I., Ershova, S.V., Kopelevich, O.V., Sheberstov, S.V., Shevchenko, V.P. (2001). Spatial distribution of the particle backscatter and suspended matter in the Barents and Black Seas retrieved by simplified bio-optical algorithm from satellite ocean color data. Proc. Intl. Conf. ‘Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters’, I. Levin and G. Gilbert (eds.), St.Peterburg, 73-78.
Burenkov, V.I., Ershova, S.V., Kopelevich, O.V., Sheberstov, S.V., Vedernikov, V.I. (2001). Semianalytic bio-optical algorithm for case 2 waters. Proc. Intl. Conf. ‘Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters’, I. Levin and G. Gilbert (eds.), St.Peterburg, 79-85.
Burenkov, V.I., Vedernikov, V.I., Ershova, S.V., Kopelevich, O.V., Sheberstov, S.V. (2001). Application of the Ocean Color Data Gathered by the SeaWiFS Satellite Scanner for Estimating the Bio-Optical Characteristics of Waters in the Barents Sea. Oceanology,41: 461-468.
Burggraaff O, Werther M, Boss ES, Simis SGH and Snik F (2022) Accuracy and Reproducibility of Above-Water Radiometry With Calibrated Smartphone Cameras Using RAW Data. Front. Remote Sens. 3:940096.
Busch, J. A., Hedley, J. D., Zielinski, O. (2013). Correction of hyperspectral reflectance measurements for surface objects and direct sun reflection on surface waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(19):6651-6667 DOI:10.1080/01431161.2013.804226 [Full article]
Busch, J. A., Price, I., Jeauson, E., Zielinski, O., v.d. Woerd, H. J. (2016). Citizens and satellites: Assessment of phytoplankton dynamics in a NW Mediterranean aquaculture zone. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 47: 40-49; DOI 10.1016/j.jag.2015.11.107. [Full article]
Cachorro, V. E., de Frutos, A.M. and Casanova, J.L. (1985). Comparison between various models of solar spectral irradiance and experimental data. Appl. Optics., 24: 3249-3253.
Cadondon, J., Vallar, E., Shiina, T. and Galvez, M. C. (2024) Experimental detection of marine plastic litter in surface waters by 405 nm LD-based fluorescence lidar. Mar. Pollut. Bull., v. 207, pp. 116842.
Cael, B. B. and E. Boss (2017). Simplified model of spectral absorption by non-algal particles and dissolved organic materials in aquatic environments. Optics Express, 25: 21, 25486-25491,
Cael, B.B., Chase, A. and Boss, E. (2020). Information content of absorption spectra and implications for ocean color inversion. Applied Optics, 59 (13), 3971-3984.
Cael, B.B., Bisson, K., Boss, E. and Erickson, Z.K. (2023), How many independent quantities can be extracted from ocean color? Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett.
Cael, B.B., Bisson, K., Boss, E., Dutkiewicz, S., Henson, S. 2023. Global climate-change trends detected in indicators of ocean ecology. Nature 619, 551–554 (2023).
Cairns, B., Mishchenko, M., et al. (2001). Reply to ‘Comments on Retrieval of Aerosol Properties over the Ocean Using Multispectral and Multiangle Photopolarimetric Measurements from the Research Scanning Polarimeter’. Geophys. Res. Lett.,28(17): p.3277.
Calder III, W.A. (1982). A tradeoff between space and time: dimensional constants in mammalian ecology. J. Theor. Biol., 98: 393-400.
Callejas-Jimenez M, Santamaria-del-Angel E, Gonzalez-Silvera A, Millan-Nuñez R, Cajal-Medrano R (2012) Dynamic regionalization of the Gulf of Mexico based on normalized radiances (nLw) derived from MODIS-Aqua. Continental Shelf Research 37: 8-14. ISSN 0278-4343, 10.1016/j.csr.2012.01.014. [Abstract].
Campagna, C., A.R. Piola, M.R. Marin, M. Lewis and T. Fernández (2006). Southern elephant seal trajectories, ocean fronts and eddies in the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence, Deep-Sea Research I,53, 1907-1924, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2006.08.015.
Campbell, J.W. and Aarup, T. (1992). New production in the North Atlantic derived from seasonal patterns of surface chlorophyll. Deep-Sea Res., 39: 1669-1694.
Campbell, J.W. and Esaias, W.E. (1983). Basis for spectral curvature algorithms in remote sensing of chlorophyll. Appl. Optics, 22: 1084-1093.
Campillo, A., Almeda, R., Vianello, A., Gómez, M., Martínez, I., Navarro, A., and Herrera, A. (2023) Searching for hotspots of neustonic microplastics in the Canary Islands, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 192, 115057,
Cannizzaro JP, Carder KL, Chen FR, Heil CA, Vargo GA. (2008). A novel technique for detection of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, in the Gulf of Mexico from remotely sensed ocean color data. Cont. Shelf Res. 28:137–58
Cannizzaro, J.P. and Carder, K.L. (2006). Estimating chlorophyll a concentrations from remote-sensing reflectance in optically shallow waters. Remote Sensing of Environment 101: 13-24.
Cao, Z., Wang, M., Ma, R., Zhang, Y., Duan, H., Jiang, L., Xue, K., Xiong, J., Hu, M. (2024). A decade-long chlorophyll-a data record in lakes across China from VIIRS observations. Remote Sensing of Environment. 301. 113953.
Wilson, C. and Robinson, D.H. (2019). Lessons Learned from the NOAA CoastWatch Ocean Satellite Course Developed for Integrating Oceanographic Satellite Data into Operational Use. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 8(8), 354;
Carder, K.L. and Steward, R.G. (1985). A remote-sensing reflectance model of a red-tide dinoflagellate off west Florida. Limnol. Oceanogr., 30: 286-298.
Carder, K.L., Chen, F.R., Lee, Z.P., Hawes, S.K. and Kamykowski, D. (1999). Semi-analytic MODIS algorithms for chlorophyll a and absorption with bio-optical domains based on nitrate- depletion temperatures. J. Geophys. Res., : In Press.
Carder, K.L., Gregg, W.W., Costello, D.K., Haddad, K. and Prospero, J.M. (1991). Determination of Saharan dust radiance and chlorophyll from CZCS imagery. J. Geophys. Res., 96: 5369-5378.
Carder, K.L., Lee, Z.P., Chen, R.F. and Davis, C.O. (1993). Unmixing of spectral components affecting AVIRIS imagery of Tampa Bay. Proc. SPIE, 1937: 77-90.