Ramdani, F., Sianturi, (2022) RSMLD

Ramdani, F., Sianturi, R.S., Furqon, M. T. and Ananta, M. T. (2022) Mapping riparian zone macro litter abundance using combination of optical and thermal sensor. Sci. Rep. 12, p. 6081, [...]

Rahmadya, A., Hidayat, (2022) RSMLD

Rahmadya, A., Hidayat, Aisyah, S., Husrin, S. and Olsen, M. (2022) Monitoring of plastic debris in the lower Citarum River using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. [...]

Raimondi et al 2024 RSMLD

Raimondi, V., Bracciale, M. P., Ciacchella, M. C., Ciapponi, A., Corradi, P., Vries, R. d., Maggio, P. D., Gonnelli, A., Guzzi, D., Lastri, C., Nardino, V., Palombi, L. and Santarelli, M. L. [...]

Ryan, P. G.(2020) RSMLD

Ryan, P. G.(2020). Using photographs to record plastic in seabird nests, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 156, 111262, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111262