
Astrid Bracher
Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany

Jeremy Werdell
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA

Ana Dogliotti
Institute for Astronomy and Space Physics, Argentina



Following a recommendation from an IOCS-2019 breakout workshop, and after a series of discussions at IOCCG Committee meetings between 2019-2022, the IOCCG put forth an action to form a task force dealing with hyperspectral remote sensing of the ocean. The focus of the task force would be on creating a quantitative guide to hyperspectral radiometry as compared to multispectral, examining the science application and mission development of hyperspectral radiometry, and grounding theoretical analysis of hyperspectral data in reality of what is possible from space-based instruments and resources.

The chairs of the task force were suggested and invited by the IOCCG, and the task force was established in March 2023.


Astrid Bracher, AWI, Germany
Amir Ibrahim, NASA Goddard, USA
Ana Dogliotti, IAFE-NSTRC, Argentina
Arnold Dekker, CSIRO, Australia
Chuanmin Hu, University of South Florida, USA
Claudia Giardino, CNR, Italy
Emanuele Organelli, CNR, Italy
Fang Shen, ECNU, China
Heidi Dierssen, University of Connecticut, USA
Jeremy Werdell, NASA Goddard, USA
Malik Chami, CNRS/Univ. Sorbonne, France
Maycira Costa, University of Victoria, Canada
Michelle Gierach, JPL, USA
Shaoling Shang, Xiamen University, China
Toru Hirawake, National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
Wonkook Kim, Pusan National University, Korea

Terms of Reference

The rationale for this task force is to assess the efforts that have been done and identify the strategies for the upcoming years in the area of hyperspectral aquatic remote sensing, so that our community can prepare most efficiently and our efforts be focused on the identified gaps. By gathering international specialists of various relevant expertise we will summarize the state-of-the art and the remaining challenges. The guiding questions to be addressed with the proposed TF on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing:

  • What are the pressing science questions globally and regionally, for which hyperspectral remote sensing may allow progress where multi spectral remote sensing has reached its limit?
  • What are the constraints on hyperspectral remote sensing in addressing these questions? (This includes limitations in terms of spatial and temporal resolution, signal-to-noise, calibration/validation of hyperspectral data and so on).

More specifically, the TF will focus initially on the following four questions, all prefaced by the overarching contextual question:

Preface: What are the primary current ecological/applied science questions in the field of aquatic remote sensing, across geographic scales and domains?

  1. What is the current status of, and what are the limitations of, aircraft and satellite hyperspectral remote sensing?
  2. What progress has been made towards Q1 with multi-spectral satellite and/or in situ hyperspectral remote sensing, and where are the gaps?
  3. What further progress towards these questions may be gained from hyperspectral (especially satellite) remote sensing?
  4. What is the current status of atmospheric correction, approaches to cal/val, approaches to uncertainty characterisation and databases available for validation of radiometric or constituent data products What are the current gaps?

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