Guedes, P. A., Silva, H. M., (2024) RSMLD

Guedes, P. A., Silva, H. M., Wang, S., Martins, A., Almeida, J., and Silva, E. (2024) Acoustic imaging learning-based approaches for marine litter detection and classification, J. Mar. Sci. Eng., [...]

Fronkova, L., Brayne, (2024) RSMLD

Fronkova, L., Brayne, R. P., Ribeiro, J. W., Cliffen, M., Beccari, F. and Arnott, J. H. W. (2024) Assessing the effect of water on submerged and floating plastic detection using remote sensing [...]

de Fockert et al 2024 RSMLD

de Fockert, A., Eleveld, M.A., Bakker, W., Felício, J.M., Costa, T.S., Vala, M., Marques, P., Leonor, N., Moreira, A., Costa, J.R., Caldeirinha, R.F.S., Matos, S.A., Fernandes, C.A., Fonseca, N., [...]