Lectures from 2016 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series |
- Lectures by Dr. Dariusz Stramski
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of the light/matter interaction: (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Optics of marine particles (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: Optics of marine particles (2) (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Zhongping Lee
University of Massachusetts at Boston, USA
Lecture 1: IOPs of ocean waters, fundamentals (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Lecture 2: Inversion of IOPs from Remote Sensing (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: IOP applications (PDF); (Video)
- Lectures by Prof. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc., USA
Lecture 1: Radiometry and AOPs, fundamentals (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Introduction to Hydrolight (PDF);(Video)
Lecture 3: Improved ocean ecosystem predictions through improved light calculations (PDF); (Video)
Mobley: Oceanic Optics Organization Chart
- Practical Sessions by Dr. Emmanuel Boss
University of Maine, ME, USA
Practical: playing with light (PDF)
Practical: AC-lab (1) (PDF)
Practical: AC-lab (2) (PDF)
Practical: AC-lab (3) (PDF)
- Lectures by Dr. Collin Roesler
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
Lecture 1: Bio-optical modeling of IOPs, including PFTs (Video)
Lecture 2: Matlab code for semi analytical inversion (Video)
Lecture 3: Bio-optical modeling of single and multi-channel fluorescence (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Mike Twardowski
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida, USA
Lecture 1: Ocean Scattering (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean Scattering (2) (Video)
- Lecture by Dr. John Hedley
Environmental Computer Science Ltd., UK
Lecture 1: The three dimensional light environment in coral reefs and seagrass ecosystems (PDF); (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Agnieska Bialek
National Physical Laboratory, UK
Lecture 1: Radiometry, apparent optical properties, measurements & uncertainties (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Radiometry, apparent optical properties, measurements & uncertainties (2) (PDF); (Video)
- Lecture by Prof. Louis Legendre
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, France
Lecture 1: Marine research in Villefranche-sur-Mer: Context and History (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Julia Uitz
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, France
Lecture 1: Satellite ocean color retrieval of phytoplankton functional types in the open ocean. (PDF); (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Hervé Claustre
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, France
Lecture 1: Complementarity of satellite OCR and in situ measurements: towards integrated observation systems. (PDF); (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Cédric Jamet
MREN/ELICO, Wimereux, France
Lecture 1: Atmospheric corrections (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric corrections (2) (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Kevin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid waters (1) (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Quinten Van Hellemont
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid waters (2)
- Lectures by Dr. Stephanie Dutkiewicz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Lecture 1: Ocean colour radiometry and global BGC modelling (1) (PDF); (Video) Lecture 2: Ocean colour radiometry and global BGC modelling (2) (PDF); (Video)
- Lectures by Dr. Heidi Dierssen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Lecture 1: Shallow-water remote sensing (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Shallow-water remote sensing (2) (PDF); (Video)
Lectures from 2014 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series |
- Lectures by Dr. ZhongPing Lee
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Lecture 1: Inherent optical properties - Basics (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Inversion of inherent optical properties - Inversion (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: Inversion of inherent optical properties - Applications (PDF); (Video)
Excel Spreadsheets: (IOP-model.xls), (alg_analytic.xls), (QAA_HOPE_hyper.xls),
- Material presented by Dr. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Lecture 1: Improved Ocean Ecosystem Predictions via Improved Light Calculations (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric Correction for Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: Spectrum-matching Techniques: Semianalytical Models (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 4: Spectrum-matching Techniques: Database Methods (PDF)
Lecture 5: Overview of HydroLight-EcoLight (PPTX); (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Marlon Lewis
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lecture 1: Measurement of in-situ optical properties (1) (PDF: slides 1-92); (Video)
Lecture 2: Measurement of in-situ optical properties (2) (PDF: slides 93-117); (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Roland Doerffer
Helmholtz Center Geesthacht /Brockman Consultants, Germany
Lecture 1: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Causes of Uncertainties (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Algorithms, Validation (PDF); (Video)
Practical Session: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: Computation (PDF)
- Material presented by Dr. Menghua Wang
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs,USA
Lecture 1: Atmospheric Correction of Ocean Color RS Observations (Sections 1-4) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric Correction: Case 1 Waters (Section 5) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric Correction: Coastal and Inland Waters (Section 5) (PDF)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric Correction: Strongly-Absorbing Aerosols (Section 6) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: Requirements for Future Ocean Color Satellite Sensors (Sections 7-9) (PDF)
- Material presented by Dr. Kevin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters: CHL and TSM retrieval (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters: Computer exercise #1 (PDF)
Lecture 3: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters: Applications, Conclusions, The Future (PDF); (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Stephanie Henson
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Lecture 1: Using OC to investigate variability and climate change effects in phytoplankton (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Using OC to investigate variability and climate change effects in phytoplankton (2) (PDF); (Video)
Practical: Using the Giovanni tool to investigate variability in phytoplankton (PDF)
- Material presented by Dr. Collin Roesler
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
Lecture 1: Bio-optical modeling of IOPs (PFT approaches) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Bio-optical modeling of single and multichannel fluorescence (PDF); (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Emmanuel Boss
University of Maine, ME, USA
Lecture 1: Optics and biogeochemistry (PDF); (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Dariusz Stramski
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, USA
Lecture 1: Optics of Marine Particles (1) (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Optics of Marine Particles (2) (PDF); (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Dave Siegel
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Lecture 1: Dynamics of open ocean CDOM (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 2: Trends in ocean colour observations: Part 2: Confronting Bio-Optical Complexity (PDF); (Video)
Lecture 3: Assessment of Ocean Carbon Export From Satellite Data (PDF); (Video)
Lectures from 2012 IOCCG Summer Lecture Series |
- Material presented by Dr. Mark Dowell
European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
Lecture 1: Ocean colour algorithms (1) (PDF: slides 1-53) (Video)
Lecture 2: Oceam colour algorithms (2) (PDF: slides 54-126) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. ZhongPing Lee
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Lecture 1: Inherent optical properties of ocean waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Inversion of inherent optical properties - inversion (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Inversion of inherent optical properties - applications (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Lecture 1: Hyperspectral remote sensing of optically shallow waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospherpic correction issues unique to shallow waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Techniques used for inverting atmospherically corrected rrs spectra (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 4: Improved ocean ecosystem predictions through improved light calculations (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 5: Ecosystem predictions using accurate radiative transfer models (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Giuseppe Zibordi
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy
Lecture 1: Above and in water radiometry: methods and calibrations requirements (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Uncertainty analysis and application of in situ radiometric products (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Marlon Lewis
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lecture 1: In situ measurments (1) (PDF: slides 1-39) (Video)
Lecture 2: In situ measurments (2) (PDF: slides 40-133) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Roland Doerffer
Helmholtz Center Geesthacht /Brockman Consultants, Germany
Lecture 1: Errors and uncertainties in ocean colour remote sensing (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Errors and uncertainties in ocean colour remote sensing (2) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Menghua Wang
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs,USA
Lecture 1: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (2) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (3) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Curt Davis
NCollege of Oceanic Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Lecture 1: High-resolution hyperspectral oc rs in coastal areas (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: High-resolution hyperspectral oc rs in coastal areas (2) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Jorge Sarmieneto
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Lecture 1: Use and importance of oc remote sensing in global coupled bgc models (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Using the oc time series to address climate change (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Kevin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters (2) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Richard Stumpf
NOAA National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, USA
Lecture 1: Harmful algal blooms: the contrast with other algal blooms (1) (PDF 1) (PDF 2) (Video)
Lecture 2: Harmful algal blooms: the contrast with other algal blooms (2) (PDF 3) (PDF 4) (PDF 5) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Marcel Babin
Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in high latitude environments (1) (PDF: slides 1-99) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in high latitude environments (2) (PDF: slides 100-186) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Yannick Huot
University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Lecture 1: Phytoplankton fluorescence: theory and interpretation from oc remote sensing (2) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Phytoplankton fluorescence: theory and interpretation from oc remote sensing (1) (PDF) (Video)
Material from Training Course in Ocean Colour: Techniques and Applications held in India (February 2001) |
- Material presented by Dr. Andreas Neumann
German Aerospace Centre DLR, Germany
Lecture 1 - Calibration of Ocean-Colour Sensors (871 KB)
Lecture 2 - Information Content of Ocean Colour Data (206 KB)
Lecture 3 - Principal Component Conversion (474 KB)
Lecture 4 - Validation of Ocean Colour Sensors (185 KB)
Material from Remote Sensing of Ocean Colour Course held in Turkey (Sept, 2000) |
- Material presented by Dr. Louisa Watts
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada
Lecture 1 - Primary Production and Related Processes (138 KB)
Lectures 2 &; 3 - Modelling Primary Production on a Local and Global Scale (272 KB)
Software Demonstration - Primary Production Software Demonstration (17 KB)
- Material presented by Dr. Mervyn Lynch
Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Lecture - Satellite Orbits / Basic Radiometric Quantities and Definitions (60 KB)
- Material presented by Dr. Oleg Kopelevich
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanography, Russia
Lecture 1 - Radiative Transfer in Oceans (944 KB)
Lecture 2 - Oceanic Optical Properties and Models (1,499 KB)
Lecture 3 - Bio-optical Algorithms (2,149 KB)
- Material presented by Dr. Peter Fearns
Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Lecture 1 (84 KB),
Lecture 2 (113 KB),
Lecture 3 (60 KB) - On SeaWiFS Processing using SeaDAS
- Material presented by Dr. Aysen Yilmaz
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Lecture 1 - Primary production, availability/uptake of nutrients and photo-adaptation of phytoplankton in three interconnected regional seas: Black Sea, Sea of Marmara and Eastern Mediterranean (332 KB).
Lecture 2 - Notes on Nutrients (49 KB)
- Material presented by Dr. Lesley Clementson
CSIRO Marine Research, Australia
Lecture - Optical measurements, phytoplankton pigments, absorption characteristics, cal/val of ocean colour sensors (447 KB)
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