Handbook of Satellite Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Applications for Marine Living Resources Conservation and Management (2011), EU PRESPO and IOCCG, Dartmouth, Canada, p. 293.
Edited by: Jesus Morales, Venetia Stuart, Trevor Platt and Shubha Sathyendranath
The IOCCG, in conjunction with the EU PRESPO Project for sustainable development of the artisanal fisheries in the Atlantic area (within the INTERREG IVB Programme) has prepared a handbook of satellite remote sensing image interpretation, with a focus on applications for marine living resources conservation and management. This handbook is intended as a web-based educational/training document oriented towards the interpretation of satellite images derived from data freely available (for the most part) from various space agency archives. The current knowledge in this field is represented through a number of case studies which guide the end-users on how to download and interpret the satellite-derived image data. The case studies cover a range of applications including fisheries and aquaculture, phytoplankton and macroalgae, marine ecosystem characterization and air/water quality. You can download a complete copy of the handbook (125 MB), or you can download the individual case studies. Most of the images are saved at high resolution, so you can “zoom in” to see the details. The handbook is also available for download from the EU PRESPO website.

Theme: Air/Water Quality
- Case Study 1: Remote-Sensing Case Study of the Chesapeake Bay Region (James Acker and Zhong Liu)
- Case Study 2: Detection of Oil Slicks using MODIS and SAR Imagery (Chuanmin Hu et al.)
- Case Study 3: Ocean-Atmosphere Exchanges of Persistent Organic Pollutants (Elena Jurado et al.)
- Case Study 4: Impacts of European Atmospheric Air Pollution on Water Nutrients (Ana Prados and James Acker)
Theme: Phytoplankton and Macroalgae
- Case Study 5: Observation of Ocean Colour Beyond Chlorophyll-a (Séverine Alvain et al.)
- Case Study 6: Monitoring Phytoplankton Productivity from Satellite (Frédéric Mélin and Nicolas Hoepffner)
- Case Study 7: Red Tide Detection in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Using MODIS Imagery (Chuanmin Hu et al.)
- Case Study 8: Monitoring Green Tides in Chinese Marginal Seas (Ming-Xia He et al.)
- Case Study 9: Detecting Phytoplankton Community Structure from Ocean Colour (Robert Brewin et al.)
Theme: Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Case Study 10: Use of Night Satellite Imagery to Monitor the Squid Fishery in Peru (Carlos Paulino and Luis Escudero)
- Case Study 11: Spring Algal Bloom and Haddock Larvae Survival (César Fuentes-Yaco et al.)
- Case Study 12: Applications to Detect Habitat Preferences of Skipjack Tuna (Robinson Mugo et al.)
- Case Study 13: Monitoring Oysters Using Remote Sensing Data and Services (Zhong Liu and James Acker)
- Case Study 14: Distribution of Peruvian Anchovy Fleets in Relation to Oceanic Parameters (Luis Escudero and Victoria Rivera)
Theme: Marine Ecosystem Characterization
- Case Study 15: Biological Response Associated With a Coastal Upwelling Event (Hervé Demarcq and Dominique Dagorne)
- Case Study 16: Detection and Visualisation of Oceanic Fronts (Peter I. Miller)
- Case Study 17: Comparison of In Situ and Remotely-Sensed Chl-a Concentrations (Eduardo Santamaría-del-Ángel et al.)
- Case Study 18: Characterization of Ecosystems in the Northern Canary Current System (Antonio Rodríguez-Verdugo and Jesus Morales)
- Case Study 19: Dynamic Biogeographic Regions using Remote Sensing Data (Eduardo Santamaría-del-Ángel et al.)
Supplementary Case Studies
- Supplementary Case Study 1: Epidemiology of Vibrio spp. in Coastal Waters Using ENVISAT/AATSR Satellite Data (C. Rodriguez-Benito, M. Fea and C. Haag)