- Material presented by Dr. Mark Dowell
European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
Lecture 1: Ocean colour algorithms (1) (PDF: slides 1-53) (Video)
Lecture 2: Oceam colour algorithms (2) (PDF: slides 54-126) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. ZhongPing Lee
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Lecture 1: Inherent optical properties of ocean waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Inversion of inherent optical properties - inversion (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Inversion of inherent optical properties - applications (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
Lecture 1: Hyperspectral remote sensing of optically shallow waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospherpic correction issues unique to shallow waters (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Techniques used for inverting atmospherically corrected rrs spectra (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 4: Improved ocean ecosystem predictions through improved light calculations (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 5: Ecosystem predictions using accurate radiative transfer models (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Giuseppe Zibordi
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy
Lecture 1: Above and in water radiometry: methods and calibrations requirements (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Uncertainty analysis and application of in situ radiometric products (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Marlon Lewis
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Lecture 1: In situ measurments (1) (PDF: slides 1-39) (Video)
Lecture 2: In situ measurments (2) (PDF: slides 40-133) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Roland Doerffer
Helmholtz Center Geesthacht /Brockman Consultants, Germany
Lecture 1: Errors and uncertainties in ocean colour remote sensing (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Errors and uncertainties in ocean colour remote sensing (2) (PDF)(Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Menghua Wang
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs,USA
Lecture 1: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (2) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 3: Atmospheric correction of ocean colour rs observations (3) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Curt Davis
NCollege of Oceanic Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
Lecture 1: High-resolution hyperspectral oc rs in coastal areas (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: High-resolution hyperspectral oc rs in coastal areas (2) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Jorge Sarmieneto
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Lecture 1: Use and importance of oc remote sensing in global coupled bgc models (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Using the oc time series to address climate change (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Kevin Ruddick
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters (1) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in turbid coastal waters (2) (PDF) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Richard Stumpf
NOAA National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, USA
Lecture 1: Harmful algal blooms: the contrast with other algal blooms (1) (PDF 1) (PDF 2) (Video)
Lecture 2: Harmful algal blooms: the contrast with other algal blooms (2) (PDF 3) (PDF 4) (PDF 5) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Marcel Babin
Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada
Lecture 1: Ocean colour remote sensing in high latitude environments (1) (PDF: slides 1-99) (Video)
Lecture 2: Ocean colour remote sensing in high latitude environments (2) (PDF: slides 100-186) (Video)
- Material presented by Dr. Yannick Huot
University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Lecture 1: Phytoplankton fluorescence: theory and interpretation from oc remote sensing (2) (PDF) (Video)
Lecture 2: Phytoplankton fluorescence: theory and interpretation from oc remote sensing (1) (PDF) (Video)