Quick Facts
Modular Optoelectronic Scanner
21 March 1996
MOS Effective Revisit Time:
approximately 3 days
Spatial Resolution:
500 metres
Swath Width:
Primary Marine Applications:
ocean colour
(phytoplankton pigments &
other constituents which colour
water such as yellow substances
and sediments)
Other Applications:
identifying physical features
which may be identified by changes in water colour
(eg. fronts, eddies, currents, ice
and coastal plumes
Potential Limitations:
cloud cover; number of data reception sites
limited data distribution
Furthur information:
http://www.ba.dlr.de/NE-WS/ ws5/mos_home.html
This article has been commissioned by the IOCCG
and has appeared in the backscatter
magazine, published by the Alliance
of Marine Remote Sensing (AMRS)
Imaging Spectrometers in the VIS/NIR-region are now
an accepted tool in the investigation of the ocean-atmosphere
system. They can provide many narrow spectral channels at
medium spatial resolution and excellent co-registration of all
spectral channels. This hyperspectral data gives a new and
improved potential to transfer the measured data into spectral
characteristics of the ocean and a very precise and quantitative
retrieval of geo-/bio-physical properties of the water.
The German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) has
developed a visible/near-infrared (VIS/NIR) imaging
spectrometer named MOS (Modular Optoelectronic Scanner).
Currently two MOS-instruments are operating in orbit: one
on the PRIRODA/MIR station and the other on the Indian remote
sensing satellite,
The MOS Instrument
The (MOS) is a spaceborne imaging spectrometer for the
VIS/NIR-spectral range. It is designed for remote sensing
investigations of the Atmosphere-Ocean-System, especially
coastal zones. The measurment philosophy follows the tried
and tested concept of having separate spectrometer blocks for
estimating the atmospheric turbidity and for measuring a set of
spectrally dense data of the object signature. This concept has
been tested on three missions (on Russian satellites and space
stations Salyut 7/MIR) with non-imaging spectrometers.
Following this concept, the MOS-complex consists of two imaging spectrometers.
MOS-A is designed for measurement of scattered atmospheric light (turbidity) in one
window with 3 absorption channels of 
= 1.4 nm in the O2A-band near 760 nm
(Note: is wavelength). The ratios of this channel give a measure of the aerosol
content in the atmosphere and the related aerosol optical thickness. MOS-B is the
main block for measuring the target spectra with 13 channels in VIS/NIR-range
between 400-1010 nm, with a halfwidth of 
= 10 nm.
The design criteria were dictated by the remote-sensing objectives and some
technological reasons. The -channels were selected for ocean targets to minimize
the influence of atmospheric gas absorption, even though it is difficult to avoid the
influence of O3- and water vapour. For water vapour we use two channels to
estimate the columnar water content and to correlate it to aerosol influence on
diffuse scattered light. Table 1 gives the figures together with other technical
Table 1a: Technical characteristics of MOS-PRI
Modular Optoelectronic Scanner MOS-PRIRODA |
Parameter |
Spectral Range [nm] |
756 - 768 |
408 - 1010 |
No. of Channels |
4 |
13 |
Wavelengths [nm] |
756.6; 760.5; 763.5; 766.5; O2A-band |
409.2; 444.2; 486.6; 521.6; 571.5; 616.6; 650.5; 685.4; 749.9; 869.1; 1012.7; 814.9; 943.9; (H2O-vapour) |
spectral halfwidth [nm] |
1.4 |
10 |
FOV along track x [deg] |
0.343 |
0.1 |
FOV across track [deg] |
13.6 |
13.3 |
Swath Width [km] |
82 |
80 |
No. of Pixels |
29 |
128 |
Pixel Size x*y [km²] |
2.87x2.87 |
0.7x0.65 |
Measuring Range Lmin..[µWcm-2nm-1sr-1] |
0.1 |
0.2 |
Lmax [µWcm-2nm-1sr-1] |
40 |
65 |
In the design of the instrument, the main focus was on the spectral and radiometric
resolution. The spatial resolution was of secondary importance and, with a pixel size
of 500 - 700 m, gives an acceptable value for ocean targets. For physical reasons,
the field of view can only have small angles. Both MOS-spectrometers reach
±7.0° across track.
The overall optical-mechanical design follows the low cost philosophy. In the
conventional optical mounting, commercial lens-optics were used for entrance,
collimator and imager and plane grating for spectral dispersion. A more
sophisticated part is the specially made focal plane hybrid, which consists of a
staircase mounting block for 13 CCD-lines to compensate the chromatic aberration
of the lenses. The CCD's are specially made lines of 512 elements of size 23 x 480
µm2, with electronic exposure control.
Beside the entrance slit are two auxiliary slits
for illumination of the inner part of the spectrometer with two small filament lamps for
controlling the dispersion and imaging on the focal plane as well as some of the
electronics. To realise the so called "internal calibration" these lamps are powered
with a highly stabilized current via a 12 bit D/A-Converter. Both lamps of each
spectrometer (MOS-A, -B) can be used at 4 different illumination levels in alternating
or in common mode, giving 4 or 16 output levels for linearity control. At the
beginning of each "calibration cycle" an electromagnetic shutter closes the entrance
slit for measuring the dark current for data correction.
Both MOS-instruments on each mission can be calibrated using the sun as a
reference - at PRIRODA via a transmission diffusor and at IRS-P3 via a diffuse
SPECTRALON reflector.
Table 1b: Technical characteristics of MOS-IRS
Modular Optoelectronic Scanner MOS-IRS |
Parameter |
Spectral Range [nm] |
755-768 |
408-1010 |
No. of Channels |
4 |
13 |
1 |
Wavelengths [nm] |
756.6; 760.6; 763.5; 763.5; 766.3; O2A-band |
408.0; 443.6; 484.6; 520.8; 570.5; 615.3; 650.3; 685.3; 749.7; 868.3; 1011.1; 814.1; 942.5; (H2O vapour) |
1600 |
spectral halfwidth [nm] |
1.4 |
10 |
100 |
FOV along track x [deg] |
0.344 |
0.094 |
0.14 |
FOV across track [deg] |
13.6 |
14.0 |
13.4 |
Swath Width [km] |
195 |
200 |
192 |
No. of Pixels |
140 |
384 |
299 |
Pixel Size x*y [km²] |
1.57x1.4 |
0.52x0.52 |
0.52x0.64 |
Measuring Range Lmin..[µWcm-2nm-1sr-1] |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.5 |
Lmax [µWcm-2nm-1sr-1] |
40 |
65 |
18 |
The present MOS missions
The PRIRODA mission is a Russian multisensor remote sensing mission on board a
special module of the MIR station. The module was launched on April 23, 1996. Its
payload consists of different active and passive sensing instruments in the UV-Visable
-Thermal Infrared-Microwave range. It is in orbit at a height of ~ 400 km, at an
inclination of 51,6°. The
main goal of the PRIRODA programme is the development and testing of different
remote-sensing methods and data interpretation algorithms by using measurements
in different spectral regions. MOS-P plays the role of providing high dimensional
multispectral data in the VIS/NIR range for ocean remote-sensing. The MOS-P
instrument tests are a little delayed and are currently going on.
MOS on IRS-P3-mission
The satellite IRS-P3 is an Indian remote-sensing mission on a sun-synchronous orbit
at 817 km and 10:30 am descending node crossing time. It was launched on March
21, 1996. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has installed a Wide
Field Camera (WiFS) with 3 channels in NIR/SWIR range. Table 2 gives some
specifications of the IRS-P3 satellite and of WiFS. MOS-IRS is the advanced version
of the two instruments. This is true of the spatial and radiometric resolution as well
as other technical details. To expand the spectral range MOS-IRS has been
equipped with a 1 channel SWIR-camera (Fig. 1). The parameters of this channel
are adopted to MOS-B, forming a "14th channel" for target data. The advanced MOS-
IRS specifications are given in Table 1. The first image was received on March 23,
1996 and since this date, the instrument has been working well.

Figure 1 Modular Optoelectronic Scanner(MOS) - IRS complex.©DLR
Table 2: IRS-P3 and WiFS parameters
Satellite Characteristics |
Orbit: |
polar,sun-synchronous circular |
Altitude: |
817 km |
Inclination: |
98.69 deg |
Eccentricity: |
0.0004 |
Period: |
101.35 minutes |
Local time: |
10:30 a.m. (descending node) |
Transponder Frequency: |
2.28 GHz |
Data rate: |
5.2 Mbps |
| |
WiFS Characteristics |
Spectral bands: |
0.62-0.68, 0.77-0.86 and 1.55-1.75 micron |
Spatial resolution: |
188 m |
Swath: |
770 km / 4096 pixels |
Radiometric resolution: |
7 bit |
Ground repetivity: |
5 days |
There is no data recording device on board of the IRS-P3. Data are transmitted in
real time to the ground stations Hyderabad in India and Neustrelitz in Germany.
These ground stations cover the Indian subcontinent with the adjacent Arabian Sea
and Gulf of Bengal and the whole European land region and coastal zones.
Currently under discussion is an extension to third party ground stations in other
regions of the world of high oceanographic interest. One of the first stations will be
on Maspalomas/Canary Island. Other interests from South Africa, Australia,
Argentina, Brazil are under negotiations. With the US/NASA a Memorandum of
Understanding is in preparation.
Data policy
IRS-P3 is a bilateral scientific experimental mission of DLR and ISRO. Data acquired
from that mission are available to both internal science teams for scientific
applications within national and joint activities. As far as WiFS is concerned, for
DLR, this is valid only over German territory, since WiFS data outside India are
taken care of by special commercial contracts.
DLR is interested in a broad application of MOS data, at least in case studies for a
wide variety of relevant remote sensing questions. However, since the resources of
the DLR mission team are limited, a step-wise approach to include a broader
community is considered. During the early phases of the mission, data from MOS-
IRS has been available to selected scientific partners exclusively in the frames of
joint activities such as ground truthing and calibration campaigns or joint studies for
algorithm development. These "pilot" applications in the next step may serve as a
nucleus for broader data access to the scientific community. Future joint work will
also be discussed during a special workshop on MOS-IRS utilisation (April 28-30,
1997, Berlin).
In-orbit performance and radiometric stability
For the MOS payload all health parameters such as temperature and power showed
up normal; there was no problem in instrument operation. The overall functioning of
the instrument and its performance in orbit is quite excellent. Because there were no
problems with the instrument, the redundancy units were not tested for safety
Over the German ground station in Neustrelitz, data from roughly 3 orbits per day
were received and processed to generate the Level-1B radiance data files. Up until
the end of February 1997, the database contained about 600 passes. After reaching
the nominal orbit, 26 sun calibration measurement sequences were recorded.
Internal mini-calibration lamps operating at different illumination levels of the focal
planes are used to check the spectral alignment, the radiometric stability and the
linearity of the CCD-lines. Usually such a control is performed at the beginning of
each data take giving also actual measurements of the dark values for correction
during ground processing. All received internal control data showed very good
consistency compared to the pre-launch values; deviations are below 1.5%.
Sun calibration measurements are realized every 2 weeks during terminator crossing
over the North pole using the external calibration unit of MOS by special command.
The data are recorded in an internal memory of the MOS board computer and
transmitted later in the orbit, when the satellite reaches the radio zone of Neustrelitz.
The analysis of the data showed a good consistency and stability over time:
deviations between recorded data sets are below 0.5%. Detailed analysis of the sun
measurements are used to update the calibration of the MOS instrument.
MOS interpretation algorithm
Spectral high resolution measurements offer the chance to use the fine-structure of
the spectral signatures of remote sensing objects to derive geophysical parameters
Figure 2 The above flowchart outlines the principle of the PCA-based linear estimation algorithm. ©DLR.
For the ocean colour applications of MOS at DLR, an algorithm was
developed that makes use of the full information content of the spectral high
resolution data to derive different water constituents and atmospheric turbidity from
the VIS/NIR bands. Theoretical basics and the detailed approach used for this
algorithm are described in Krawczyk et.al. 1995 and Neumann et.al. 1995. The idea
is to use principal component analysis of modelled top-of-atmosphere radiance data
to derive weighted coefficients for each measurement band. These coefficients
represent the contribution of information of the corresponding wavelength to the
estimate of a given parameter. Based on modelling and inversion for different
geophysical situations (i.e. types of atmosphere, different dominant factors in the
water, regional specific models for the inherent water-optical properties etc.) look-
up-tables of coefficients are derived to select suitable sets for the interpretation of an
actual scene. The selection process of the coefficients requires a classification
scheme that uses a priori knowledge as well as parameters derived from the actual
scene. Figure 2 shows the schematic approach.

Figure3 The images represent a time series of sediment maps
in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Note the large plume in the mouth of
the River Po in the May image, taken after heavy rainfalls. ©DLR.
Interpretation examples
The algorithm can be applied to MOS-B data to derive pigment concentrations
(see the example from the Baltic Sea in the February issue of backscatter, pg 16),
or to sediment distribution.
Figure 3 illustrates the changes in sediment distribution in the Northern
Adriatic sea. The May image was taken after heavy rainfalls causing the large plume
in the mouth of the Po river. The water model was provided by JRC Ispra.
Krawczyk H., Neumann A., Walzel T., 1995: "Interpretation Potential of Marine
Environments Multispectral Imagery", Proceedings of the Third Thematic Conference
on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Seattle, Sept. 1995, pp.
II-57 - II-68
Neumann A., Krawczyk H., Walzel T., 1995: ,A Complex Approach to Quantitative
Interpretation of Spectral High Resolution Imagery", Proceedings of the Third
Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments,
Seattle, Sept. 1995, pp. II-641 - II-652, 1995.
This article appeared in the May 1997 issue of the backscatter magazine,
published by the Alliance of Marine Remote Sensing (AMRS).