Other Ocean-Colour Courses

  • Cornell Summer Satellite Remote Sensing Training Course, June 3 - June 17, 2016, Cornell University, Ithaca New York. A two-week summer satellite remote sensing training course is being offered once again to marine scientists who have modest or no prior experience with satellite remote sensing techniques. The course is highly methods-oriented and intended to give participants the practical skills needed to work independently to acquire, analyze and visualize large data sets derived from a wide range of ocean satellite sensors.

    Strong emphasis is given to ocean color remote sensing and the use of the latest version of NASA’s SeaDAS software to derive mapped imagery of geophysical parameters (e.g., chlorophyll or CDOM) from raw SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS and HICO data. Pre-written python scripts will be used in conjunction with SeaDAS to batch process large quantities of ocean color data from Level-1 to Level-3. The course also addresses the acquisition and use of Level-3 satellite products for sea surface temperature, ocean wind speed and sea surface height. Developing good Python programming skills needed for data analysis and visualization is a central component of this course. For more information visit: www.geo.cornell.edu/ocean/satellite, Email: Bruce Monger (bcm3@cornell.edu)

  • Third summer school on "Ocean Remote Sensing Synergy", June 20 to 24, 2016 - Moulin Mer, Logonna Daoulas, France.

  • ESA Earth Observation Summer School 2016, 1 to 12 August 2016, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.

  • 10 month training course at the Alfred Wegener Institute. The Nippon Foundation (NF) and the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) offer a 10 month training course for scholars from developing countries in a Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography at the Alfred Wegener Institute. This course will run from October 2016 to August 2017. You can find the application forms and further information here: http://www.awi.de/en/about-us/sites/helgoland/visiting-scientists/centre-of-excellence-nf-pogo.html.

Other Fellowships and Scholarships

  • SCOR Visiting Scholars Program: This program of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) sends ocean scientists interested in short-term visits to developing countries. The program is a partnership, with the host institution providing local accommodation and SCOR finding resources to pay for airfares and other local expenses, as necessary. The participating scientists donate their time. For further information see the 2016 announcement.

  • Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER): PEER is a new partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) that is designed to address development challenges through international research collaboration. This competitive grants program will allow scientists in developing countries to apply for funds to support research and capacity-building activities in partnership with their NSF-funded collaborators on topics of importance to USAID. PEER program is now accepting proposals from developing country researchers interested in collaborating with their U.S. counterparts. We invite you to review the full program solicitation at www.nationalacademies.org/peer.

  • POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships Programme offers successful candidates the opportunity to visit other oceanographic centres for a period of between 1 to 3 months. The programme covers international airfare and a stipend for living expenses for up to 3 months. See the POGO website for further details.

  • POGO Visiting Professorship Programme allows short visits (2 weeks to 3 months) of distinguished scientists from advanced oceanographic institutes to institutes in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, to provide training and mentoring, to develop collaborations and enhance networking. See the POGO website for further details.

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