Ocean Color Imager
Huang, S.J. , Liu, G. R. and Kuo, T. H. (1999). The atmospheric correction of ROCSAT-1 OCI imagery - Part I: OCITRAN-1. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. 10:(4) 855-864. Li, H. W., Ho, C. R., Kuo, N. J., Chen, C. T. and Tsai, W. T. (1999). A comparison of OCI and SeaWiFS satellite imagery in the waters adjacent to Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. 10(4): 873-883. Chen, P., Lee, L.S., and Lin, S.-F. (1999). OCI and ROCSAT-1 Development, Operations and Applications. J. Korean Soc. Rem. Sens., 15(4): pp. 367-375. [PDF file] Lin, W-S., Wu, J-Y., Chiu, H-J., Chen, C-S. amd Chang, Y-J. (1999). Radiometric characterization of the ROCSAT Ocean Color Imager, int. j. remote sensing, 1999, vol. 20, no. 17,3247-3263 [PDF file] Back | Ocean-Colour Sensors | Home