![](czi.jpg) |
AGENCY | CNSA (China) |
SATELLITE | HaiYang-1 (China) |
LAUNCH DATE | 15/05/02 |
SWATH (km) | 500 |
RESOLUTION (m) | 250 |
# OF BANDS | 4 |
SPECTRAL COVERAGE(nm) | 420-890 |
CZI News:
- China's First Marine Satellite Haiyang-1 on Track, People's Daily, September 5, 2002
- Maritime Satellite Haiyang-1 Maps Images, People's Daily, May 30, 2002
- China Launches Two Satellites to Watch the Weather, Space Daily, May 15, 2002
- China Launches Weather / Ocean Observation Polar Satellites, Space and Tech, May 15, 2002
- Chinese Oceanographic Satellite A Decade of Dreams, Space Daily, July 20, 2001
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