Global Ecological Provinces

Co-Chairs:Mark Dowell
Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory
Institute for Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH
03824-3525 USA

Trevor Platt
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
PO Box 1006
Dartmouth, NS

A proposal for this working group was submitted at the 8th IOCCG meeting, in February 2003 and the revised proposal was received in July 2003.

With the advent of the first global images of chlorophyll distribution from the CZCS sensor at the beginning of the 1980s marine biogeographers had a new and formidable tool to identify basin scale boundaries in different marine biomes. Over the last 15-20 years much work has been undertaken to define appropriate methods to best use this dataset in the context of marine biogeographical studies.

The objective of this group is to perform an exhaustive review of the aspects of this discipline strictly related to ocean colour remote sensing techniques, in the context of an IOCCG report.

Terms of Reference

  1. To review the utility of ocean partitions as a tool for interpretation and application of ocean colour data.
  2. To review the use of ocean colour as a tool for delineation of dynamic boundaries in the partition.
  3. To review the application of ocean colour partitions to oceanographic problems such as the ocean carbon cycle, climate change and resource management.
  4. To write a monograph for the IOCCG series covering the material referred to above.

Gregory BeaugrandUniversity of Lille, France
David BroomheadUniv. of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, UK
Emmanuel DevredBedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada
Mark DowellEuropean Commission JRC, Italy
Stephanie DutkeweizMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Nicolas HoepffnerEuropean Commission JRC, Italy
Alan LonghurstFrance
Frederic MelinEuropean Commission JRC, Italy
Timothy MooreUniversity of New Hampshire, USA
Jesus MoralesCICEM "Agua del Pino", Spain
Trevor PlattBedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada
Shubha SathyendranathBedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada

Working Groups | Home

Revised proposal for working group

Progress Report (Jan. 2004) and Outline of IOCCG Report

Report of second working group meeting (Ispra, 20-23 September 2004)

Report from IOCCG-10 meeting (January 2005)